Type Trail Association
Primary Activity Hike
  • Mountain Bike
  • Downhill Ski
  • Nordic Ski
P. O. B0x 8246
Norfolk, Virginia
United States
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The Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club (TATC) is an energetic group, open to individuals and families, whose primary purpose is to maintain a 10+ mile section of the Appalachian Trail (AT). The Club is centered in Norfolk, VA, and draws membership from Hampton Roads and the surrounding areas. TATC maintains 23 miles of additional trails in the Blue Ridge Mountains, including the White Rocks Falls Trail along the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Mau-Har Trail off of the Appalachian Trail, and all the trails in the St. Mary’ Wilderness. In the Tidewater area, the club maintains trails in First Landing State Park, False Cape State Park, New Quarter Park, and Sandy Bottom Nature Park.

In addition to trail maintenance, the TATC offers a wide range of outdoor recreational activities, including backpacking, day hiking, canoeing, kayaking, biking, car camping, white water rafting, skiing, rock climbing, rappelling, nature watching, and of course, eating!

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