BMBA Nicole’s Trail Day
Trail Day Details:

Our first trail day of 2018 will be on Nicoles Trail on Burnaby Mountain.

We will be assembling at the kiosk at the base of Nicoles Trail, on Gaglardi Way in Burnaby. Parking is available on the side of Gaglardi Way or at the parking area on North Road, and then it's a 5-10minute walk down the pipeline trail (gravel path) to the kiosk.

Please wear good hiking shoes or work boots and come dressed for the weather.

We will be working on an area in the middle of the trail, just above the switchbacks before Nicoles Pole. We will need to take materials up to the area we are working on. If you can't commit to a full day we would love to see you if only for a few hours at the start of the day to help bring materials up the trail.

Many hands make light work.

Lunch will be provided by Norco Bicycles who gave us a donation last year towards our trail days.

Hope to see you there


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Trail Conditions
  • Unknown
  • Snow Groomed
  • Snow Packed
  • Snow Covered
  • Snow Cover Partial
  • Freeze/thaw Cycle
  • Icy
  • Prevalent Mud
  • Wet
  • Variable
  • Ideal
  • Dry
  • Very Dry
Directions to nicoles trailhead (49.271710, -122.908750)
3,377 ft
13 ft
-608 ft
Avg time
view trail detail
  • By Caol
  • #2733 - 424 views
Audience: region1