DateSunday May 26, 2019toSunday May 26, 2019
past event -
TypeEnduro Race
ActivitiesMountain Bike
LocationSouth Hills United States
RegistrationOpen Paid
Welcome to the 2019 SoFi Montana Enduro Series Here’s all the important information about the 2019 Helenduro!
As an initial note, Helena’s Open Lands are going through some growing pains. There’s a lot of people working hard with our land managers and other community/user groups to keep Helena a wonderful place to ride your mountain bike, but it is a lot of work just maintain what we have. Please remember to always follow your standard trail etiquette and be courteous to other trail users, especially during practice! Helena’s trails are public, and we want to make sure that everyone sees that we’re polite, courteous, and stewards for our sport and trails. One bad apple will feed a flock of angry birds for months or even years, and one incident can quickly lead to things that can never be undone. So, stay on trail, yield to other trail users, and remember that Helena’s Open Lands are a place for everyone!
If you do have an encounter that is anything less than pleasant during practice or the race, report it immediately to one of the race directors.
Thursday/Friday, May 23/24
We will be on course setting things up! If you see course setters out there, say hi and tell these volunteers how awesome they are!
Saturday, May 25
Practice! We will still be finishing up course marking but the course will be open and accessible. Again, all these trails are open to the public. We will be marking the course on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, but full wayfinding won’t be in place until Saturday afternoon/evening.
If you see any problem areas or have any questions, let us know!
Evening: join us at LaPa for a bite to eat and a beverage! LaPa is located at 32 West 6th Street in downtown Helena. Show up in your gear and LaPa will hook you up with a free beer! We’ll try to be there starting around 5:30 after we’ve finished up with the pre-race stuff.
Sunday, May 26
WHERE: State Capitol Building. We’ll be on the South Oval, and there’s lots of parking right across the street between Lockey and Broadway. https://goo.gl/maps/4FHtAfWAVPUGUBih8
7:00 AM: Check-in opens
8:30 AM: Check-in closes (Please be at check in early enough to be done when check-in closes!)
8:45 AM: Racer meeting (MANDATORY)
9:00 AM: Racers depart on first transfer for Stage 1 start
3:30 PM: Race course closed (subject to change to accommodate any course holds). You MUST be in line at the start of Stage 5 by 3:30!
4:30 PM: Awards at Karmadillos! 139 Reeders Alley, Helena, MT 59601.
Our sponsors provided great swag to give away this weekend, so make sure to stick around for the podium ceremony!
The 2019 Helenduro Course
The 2019 Helenduro will be five stages focus on Helena’s Mt. Ascension and Rodney Ridge.
As always, our course is published on Trailforks. We recommend downloading the Trailforks mobile app to navigate during practice. The app has a tab for “My Routes;” if you add the 2019 Helenduro route to your wishlist in a browser, it will show up as one of your routes in the app. This will be a really handy tool for practice! Also, don’t forget to update the Montana region!
Start: The Capitol South Oval parking lot.
Transfer 1: From the Capitol, travel south on Montana Ave. to South Montana Ave. to Diehl Drive. Turn right from Diehl Drive onto Rocky Road Trail North Connector. Stay right on Rocky Road Trail North Connector and continue straight onto Lower Connector. Continue climbing south on Rocky Road Trail. Turn right on Prickly Pear Trail. Turn left on Easy Rider to Prickly Pear Connector. At the terminus, continue climbing Easy Rider. Turn left onto 2006 and climb to saddle/top of 2006. Turn left and climb to the summit of Mt. Ascension and start of Stage 1.
Stage 1: From the summit of Mt. Ascension, descend east down the Mt. Ascension Ridge Trail. Turn sharp right onto Mt. Ascension Loop and climb. Turn left onto beginning of the new flow trail (Cruse Control) to finish just above bridge.
Transfer 2: From the bottom of Cruise Control, follow the fireroad (or new connector trail, if it has been constructed) to Arrowroot Road. Turn right and climb Eddye McClure West to the top and beginning of the new tech trail (Big Dorothy’s) and start of Stage 2.
Stage 2: Big Dorothy’s to finish just above bridge.
Transfer 3: From the bottom of Big Dorothy’s, follow the old doubletrack to Eddye McClure West. Turn right and climb Eddye McClure West to the Mt. Ascension Loop. Turn left and continue climbing the Mt. Ascension Loop to the Entertainment Doubletrack. Turn left and climb the Entertainment Doubletrack over the top of Mt. A and descend to the start of Stage 3.
Stage 3: Descend the Entertainment trail across the meadows. Stage 3 and Stage 4 will share the same first half-mile of trail. Turn right onto Entertainment Direct, then turn right onto the bridge. Turn left off the bridge onto Aftershock. Continue north on Aftershock to finish just before junction with 2006.
Transfer 4: From the finish of Aftershock, turn right and climb 2006. At saddle/top of 2006, turn right and climb the Entertainment Doubletrack over the top of Mt. A and descend to the junction of Entertainment Direct and Entertainment Trail and start of Stage 4.
Stage 4: Descend the Entertainment trail across the meadows. Stage 3 and Stage 4 will share the same first half-mile of trail. Continue straight and descend the Entertainment Trail (note, there is a left at the bridge). Turn right at Archery Range. Follow Archery Range ontinue north onto Little Moab. Continue north on Little Moab to finish before Davis Gulch Road (set back far enough to prevent traffic interference)
Transfer 5: From the bottom of Little Moab, turn left onto Davis Gulch Road to Lower DeFord Trail. Note, do NOT travel up the road – stay on DeFord! Travel south on Lower Deford, crossing Davis Gulch where the trail crosses the road just before the Old Shooting Range Parking Lot. Continue climbing, turning right onto Rodney Meadow Trail. Continue to Rodney Ridge Trail and turn right to climb Rent Money. Stage 5 begins on the Pinchot Trail just northwest of the junction of Pinchot, Top of the World, Rent Money, and the Rodney Ridge Doubletrack.
Stage 5: Descend Pinchot Trail. Turn hard right onto T.R. Trail. Turn Left onto Rodney Meadow Trail. Finish is just before junction with Waterline Trail.
Casually make your way down Orofino Gulch (the road is just below the finish of Stage 5) and back to Downtown Helena! Plan to stop by Karmadillos after you're done racing for drinks and food while you wait for the award ceremony. You can also sample some of Helena’s finest beer at Blackfoot River Brewing and Ten Mile Creek Brewing!
The Timing System!
We’re still running our fancy timing system, and you can still ride straight through the gates without stopping. While this means that you’re no longer responsible for your timing punches at the start and finish of each stage, you are responsible for following our procedures for checking in and heading out to the course. The timing chips must be switched on in order to collect time stamps, and they must be switched off after the last stage. Finally, they must be returned to the timing tent for scanning in order for you to have results.
We will start the race on timed intervals. We still allow self-seeding so that friends can chase each other and transfer together, but we strongly recommend that Pro, Expert and sporty Sport riders make sure to be towards the front.
Some Rules
We will cover rules and course-specific concerns during the racer meetings. The basic rules are:
Enduro format – timed stages are mostly downhill, and transfers are mostly climbs. Transfer stages are untimed, but don’t linger because we have a course closure time. You must be in line at the start of Stage 5 when the course closes!
Helmets must be worn at all times when on the bike. This includes when you’re riding uphill/transfers. Anyone riding without a helmet will immediately be disqualified. There will be no exceptions to this rule. If you’re caught riding without a helmet, you’re done for the day. Full-face helmets are recommended but not required.
You must be able to hear an overtaking rider. We strongly discourage riding with music – if you impede another rider because you can’t hear them, you will be assessed a 30 second penalty. If you intend to race with music, one ear must be open.
Our complete rulebook is available on our website.
If any of your traveling companions would like to volunteer out on course, we’d be happy for the help. True story: Running an enduro race on multi-use front-country trails takes a lot of volunteers.
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