DateSunday June 9, 2019 all day
past event -
TypeEnduro Race
ActivitiesMountain Bike
RegistrationOpen Paid
It’s the time of the year again for another PACA ‘Fun-Duro Enduro Event in Penticton, on Sunday June 9th The idea of the event is to introduce riders to a friendly and fun Enduro event and for those who already know about it – to have fun shredding with friends!
For $20 you will get an entry, a Smugglers Smokehouse sandwich, and a Bad Tattoo beer at the end of the ride. For $30 you will get the same as well as a shuttle to the Top of the Mice. There will be games and prizes, pump track challenge and lots of fun!
For those who want to compare times with their friends, we will be using Strava to track our rides. There are 4 segments that have been created in the Mice for the event.
What is an Enduro?
The format of this event is that we meet at Poplar Grove car park and you will have two options. We can shuttle you and your friends up to the Penticton reservoir via a big van with your bike or you can ride up on amazing single track right to the top. From the reservoir, you start riding a marked trail, and within some of the trails there are segments that time you via GPS and an app called ‘Strava.’ The segments are clearly marked when they start and stop, as is the rest of the trail. At the start of each segment there is a start gate and a waiting gate to allow for GPS drift.
You can ride solo or with your friends, or meet up with them again at the end of the segment and carry onward to the next segment! I am aware that this may be the first MTB event for some of you, and that’s great! We suggest if you are going for a fast time to allow 30 seconds between each rider at the start.
For the event on Sunday, you can choose to be timed or simply participate in the ride if you wish, either is welcome.
There is approximately 11 km of pure single track from the reservoir down to the starting parking lot where the gang can have drinks and food is provided by Smugglers Smoke House.
This is a fantastic way to experience some of the best intermediate trails the Three Blind Mice has to offer and not have to decipher trail maps! Trails will be marked with tape and pin flags to help you cruise through the forest with ease.
The idea of the event is that it is intermediate level. While the trails are rocky, rooty and difficult. There are no drops or dangerous obstacles, it is pure mountain biking. You can ride as fast as you like or walk something if you feel uncomfortable. The goal is to have fun!
What you should I bring?
You should bring your regular riding gear – Helmet, bike, knee and arm pads if you regularly wear them. A Camelbak if you use one, and water. It would be a good idea to bring extra water, energy bars, and EXTRA tubes as there are no aid stations on the ride. Because The MICE is known for flats, bringing extra tubes and CO2 or a pump would be a good idea.
I’m hoping groups will stay primarily together, so should someone need a 4th tube or something, hopefully people can help each other out if need be. You can expect the riding itself to take about 1 – 2 hours, and the shuttle to be about 30 minutes. So budget about 1.5 – 3 hours, if climbing, depending on how fast you want to do the course.
The party, food, and drinks will start around 1:30, and we will crown who was fastest and have a number of other prizes for things that really matter…like Most Stoked, Biggest Smile, Coolest Socks and more!
Registration starts at 10:00 , followed by a safety meeting, more info about the event, and then shuttles will start.
10:00 am Last chance for in person sign-up
10:15 am Rider Meeting
10:30 am First Shuttle - Pedal Riders Depart
11:30 am Second Shuttle
1:30 pm Lunch, Activities and Prizes
One last note – there are two apps you should really consider having on your phone for the race – they are Trailforks (an interactive GPS trail mapping app) and Strava (a workout tracking app that we will use to time and track the segments for the event). Both are free and both are easy to use. It would be best if you can load these up and be somewhat familiar with them before Sunday!
Freedom the Bike Shop
Bike Barn- Smugglers Smokehouse
HooDoo Adventures- Bad Tatoo Brewery
- Backyard Beans
- Swagman