DIY Landmine 2021
Race Details:

DIY Landmine, The 2nd Edition

Welcome back! Just as last year, we want to stress that the DIY Landmine IS NOT A RACE. Let’s stay safe and use the event as an opportunity to challenge ourselves.

DO NOT ENDANGER YOURSELF OR OTHERS. Only attempt a KOM / QOM on a segment IF you can be absolutely sure you can do so safely. Follow all trail riding rules and etiquette at all times. Failure to do so could lead to disqualification from future Landmine MTB Classics. At the end of the day this is really just a fun excuse to ride our mountain bikes a little bit harder than we normally do. But we’re all going to agree to do so SAFELY, RESPECTFULLY, and ALWAYS IN CONTROL.

And know this: The DIY Landmine is what you make of it - so give this thing a real go and see how far you can take it.

NO rides on Sept. 12 will be counted towards the results of the DIY Landmine since the real Landmine Classic race will be happening!

Rules & Regulations:

1. Yes, there’s a $10 entry fee. It takes a lot of time and effort to manage this event and ALL proceeds raised will go directly to the Friends if Wompatuck. Your financial support of FOW directly affects trail maintenance and park improvements. We all certainly benefit from that - so we thank you for it.

2. Strava. You must join the Landmine MTB Strava club to qualify for official event participation and recognition (

3. Strava Club for Cat You're Riding. You must also REQUEST TO JOIN THE STRAVA CLUB FOR YOUR CAT. So either Cat 1 & 2, Cat 3, Cat 4 or “D-Day”. Each Strava Club will have course descriptions as well as downloadable GPX / TCX files. See “Category / Course Info” below for more information on each Strava Club.

4. Ride SAFELY. Practice ALL rules and social etiquette while riding. (If you don’t know what MTB trail etiquette is or you need to refresh, read about it here:

DO NOT endanger yourself or others. RESPECT everyone else on the trail - especially non-riders. Groups of cyclists must always yield to groups of hikers or other park patrons. Pursuit of your Strava KOM / QOM does NOT take precedence over the safety and well-being over other’s utilizing the trail. Re-read this rule again.

5. Strava Segments. We absolutely DO NOT care about overall course times. THIS IS NOT A RACE. If you feel the need for some speed, however, please do so ONLY in Strava Segments within each course.

Strava Segments will NOT be marked on courses. You need to use your GPS device or phone for that. Please note that accessing the “Live” Strava Segments feature requires a Strava Premium account to do so.

Here’s an overview “Live” Strava Segments ( ).
Here’s how to access “Live” Strava Segments on a Garmin device (
Here’s how to access them on a Wahoo device ( ).
Here’s a list of compatible devices that allow “Live” Strava Segments (

There will be no podium. There will be no medals. There will be no super cool coffee mug with the Landmine MTB Classic logo to commemorate your glorious triumph over your buddy. There will, however, be the official Landmine newsletter along with Facebook & Instagram posts giving "bragging rights" to each and every Strava segment winner as of 3:00 pm Thursday, September 30, 2021.

6. Yes - you can go back and re-ride an entire course to try to get a better time on a segment as long as you do it before 9/30/2021. No - you do NOT need to pay a separate entry fee to do so, but you must ride the entire course again to qualify for official listing.

Please Note: There are a LOT of segments and there will be a lot of participants. We will try to work our way through all the data as quickly as we can to create the official "bragging rights" listings. It may take us a day or two to do so. We will NOT have results ready at 3:00pm on September 30th. Please do not ask us at 3:01pm where the results are. We will will post the results as soon as we have tallied them all - and we will make sure you and everyone else knows.

For a list of Official Segments see each “Category/Course Info” section below.

7. Yes. The EVENT RUNS THE ENTURE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER and closes at 3:00 pm Thursday, September 30, 2021. You must have completed AND uploaded your activity to Strava by NO LATER THAN 3:00 pm Thursday, September 30, 2021 to qualify for the official annals of DYI Landmine glory. Otherwise, it was just a really good ride.

PLEASE NOTE - SUNDAY SEPT 12. No, you may NOT ride the DIY Landmine on the actual day of the Landmine MTB Classic. It's too dangerous and discourteous to those racing. If you want to race that day, then sign up for the Landmine!

8. Again, ride SAFELY. Only attempt a KOM/QOM on a segment IF you can absolutely assure you can do so safely. DO NOT ENDANGER YOURSELF OR OTHERS. Follow all trail riding rules and etiquette at all times. Failure to do so could lead to disqualification from future Landmine MTB Classics. Don’t be “that” person. Please represent the mountain biking community in the best way possible.

9. The courses. These will run the normal direction, same as the Landmine MTB Classic. We will NOT being reverse courses this go around. Given folks out on the courses practicing for the Landmine MTB Classic it's best we're all riding in the same direction.

There's three ways to follow the course - Use Trailforks, download the GPX files on Bikereg registration page or print out course maps
DIY Landmine CAT 1/2 - 25 Mile Course Map (PDF) - COMING SOON
DIY Landmine CAT 3 - 10 Mile Course Map (PDF) - COMING SOON
DIY Landmine CAT 4 - 5.75 Mile Course Map - COMING SOON

Note: If you are running the D-Day 40 Mile Course, download all three routes and ride in following order; Cat 1/2, Cat 3, Cat 4

Strava Segments for CAT 1/2, CAT 3, CAT 4 - COMING SOON

10. Operation D-Day. For those few brave men & women looking to garner Medal of Valor status, ride all three courses IN THE SAME DAY within the month of September. That comes out to 40 miles (give or take) of bone crunching, teeth jarring, baby-head pounding Wompatuck goodness… Oorah!

11. PARKING. You can NOT drive to the field where the courses start. All courses will start & end in South Field which is near marker S28. You can park 2 miles away at the Transfer Station (270 Union St Hingham, MA) and leisurely pedal to South Field as really nice little warm up. And let's face it, none of us really warm adequately anyway, so here's your chance to do it right for once...Strava route - Transfer Station to Start of Landmine Courses

12. Food & water. There will also be NO on course water or food, so plan accordingly. Depending on the course you choose, you might end up riding past the main parking area where you can grab extra water and food from your car. OR perhaps you park in one of the many pull-outs in the park that are in close proximity to the course(s) and grab water when you ride by. The point is be a Boy Scout or Girl Scout and BE PREPARED.

13. None of this is perfect. Now we’ve tried our best to verify that all routes and segments are as dialed-in as possible. But let’s be honest, there may be a small inconsistency here or there, or a timing snafu we didn’t foresee. In the end, however, we’re doing our damnedest to see that this thing is 1) Safe, 2) Fun, and 3) as easy to navigate & ride as we possibly can.

As we said to begin with, the DIY Landmine is what you make of it. So give it a go and see where you can take it.


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