Race Details:

Presented By: EnduraRace



Race Notes



The famous Cedar Park TX individual dirt time-trial is back: Full Gas on Peddler’s Pass. The “Pass” is a mostly-flat 3-mile cross-country route of over 100 corners, berms, flow, and other obstacles. While the Pass is considered a beginner-friendly trail, plenty of cat-1 and pro riders have eaten their share of dirt chasing the elusive 13-minute lap barrier.

Competitors will ride three separate laps (Juniors will ride two laps). Each lap will be separated by a mandatory 10-minute minimum cool-down period. Riders will race individually separated by at least a 30 second gap.  There are category specific rules in more detail below. Prizes, based on your age group and category, can include cash, swag, and trophies. Cash payouts are based on tickets sold.



Estimated 11am start. Thirty second gap between racers. Two laps. Ten-minute mandatory cool-down between laps.

This category is for young men and young women of 16 years of age and younger.  Riders in this category will ride TWO separate laps for time.  Each rider’s fastest recorded lap out of the two will be used to rank them for the podium. Fastest five of each young men and young women will receive trophies and swag. Should a junior wish to also compete in the EXPERT adult category, they may do so, but will need to register for both events (we will call this the Ethan Welling rule). ALL juniors who enter and finish their laps however will be in a raffle drawing for swag prizes apart from the riders on the podium as they get swag by default.



Estimated 12:30pm start. Thirty second gap between racers. Three laps. Ten-minute mandatory cool-down between laps.

This category is for first-time racers through experienced cat-3 TMBRA racers. Cat-2 and Cat-1 racers must register in the Expert category.  If you are not sure what Cat you would fall under, then this is probably your category. However, the local STRAVA top-ten heroes who just don’t do organized racing but are still super-fast should not be signing up as an Amateur.  They should sign up for Expert.  Amateurs will ride three separate laps. The fastest two laps will be added together for their overall time. The fastest five men and women will receive trophies and cash payouts (cash based on a percentage of registration sales).



Estimated 3pm start. Thirty second gap between racers. Three laps. Ten-minute mandatory cool-down between laps.

This category is for Cat-2, Cat-1, and Pro/Open racers as well as the STRAVA heroes though anyone can sign up for Expert. Also, if you placed first in a previous Peddler’s Pass Time Trial as a cat-2 or cat-1, you must register for this category. The podium will go five-deep for men and women with payout cash and trophies (cash based on a percentage of the registration sales).  Expert racers will ride three separate laps. All laps will be timed (no mulligans). AND the third lap will be backwards Bring your lights in the event we run past sunset! If we are at risk of finishing in the dark, riders will be held back for their third lap until the official sunset time and all riders will ride lap three in the dark (and backwards!) in order to keep things fair.



8:30am start. Thirty second gap between racers. Three laps. Ten-minute mandatory cool-down between laps. Total mileage ~6

This is a skill-level classification category for the TORC community (The OneWheel Racing Circuit). TORC racers will use the middle flow-section of the Pass for three timed laps.  Fred Cunningham of TORC will develop the race categories and will put together the prize and trophy structure for the winners.  In the past, the prizes have been pretty significant! The TORC start/finish will likely be underneath the Parmer Lane bridge. EUCs have their own category. OneWheelers who bring both their OW and EUC may also race on their EUC’s but will need to register twice to do so. Check Fred’s posts on social media for more information.



This is for big/tall men over 235 lbs and women over 175 lbs (please do not kill the messenger!).  Riders who want/choose to be considered for the Clydesdale award (whoever is the fastest man and woman in this classification), need to tell the person working the packet pickup the day of the race.  When you register online however, choose the general classification category (either expert or amateur) for men or women.  Your Clydesdale status will be taken into account on final scoring.  The award for the fastest Clydesdale man and woman will be in the form of a trophy and possibly swag also.  Being designated a Clydesdale does not mean you cannot be considered for a podium award in your general classification category as well.



If you want to race on your e-bike, you can. As above with the Clydesdales, register for the applicable general classification category. There will be trophies (and possibly swag) for the fastest man and woman e-bike racers. However, you will NOT be eligible for podium awards in your general classification category.  The E-bike must be a CLASS-1 designated e-bike (peddle-assist only, 20mph top assist speed).


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Trail Conditions
  • Unknown
  • Snow Groomed
  • Snow Packed
  • Snow Covered
  • Snow Cover Partial
  • Freeze/thaw Cycle
  • Icy
  • Prevalent Mud
  • Wet
  • Variable
  • Ideal
  • Dry
  • Very Dry
Trail Flow (Ridden Direction)
Trailforks scans users ridelogs to determine the most popular direction each trail is ridden. A good flowing trail network will have most trails flowing in a single direction according to their intension.
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
  • > 96%
  • > 90%
  • > 80%
  • > 70%
  • > 50%
  • < 50%
  • bi-directional trail
  • no data
Trail Last Ridden
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine the last time a trail was ridden.
  • < 2 days
  • < 1 week
  • < 2 weeks
  • < 1 month
  • < 6 months
  • > 6 months
Trail Ridden Direction
The intended direction a trail should be ridden.
  • Downhill Only
  • Downhill Primary
  • Both Directions
  • Uphill Primary
  • Uphill Only
  • One Direction
Contribute Details
Colors indicate trail is missing specified detail.
  • Description
  • Photos
  • Description & Photos
  • Videos
Trail Popularity ?
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine which trails are ridden the most in the last 9 months. Trails are compared with nearby trails in the same city region with a possible 25 colour shades. Think of this as a heatmap, more rides = more kinetic energy = warmer colors.
  • most popular
  • popular
  • less popular
  • not popular
Max Vehicle Width
US Cell Coverage
cell carrier legend

Radar Time
x Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public ridelogs from the past 6 months.
  • mountain biking recent
  • mountain biking (>6 month)
  • hiking (1 year)
  • moto (1 year)
Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public skilogs from the past 12 months.
  • Downhill Ski
  • Backcountry Ski
  • Nordic Ski
  • Snowmobile
Winter Trails
Warning A routing network for winter maps does not exist. Selecting trails using the winter trails layer has been disabled.
x Missing Trails
Most Popular
Least Popular
Trails are colored based on popularity. The more popular a trail is, the more red. Less popular trails trend towards green.
Jump Magnitude Heatmap
Heatmap of where riders jump on trails. Zoom in to see individual jumps, click circles to view jump details.
Trails Deemphasized
Trails are shown in grey.
Only show trails with NO bikes.

Save the current map location and zoom level as your default home location whenever this page is loaded.

      Audience: local