Race Details:

Presented By: Winona Forest Recreation Association

I am excited to present to you the 2022 Winona Forest Snowshoe Events. I am hopeful all your questions are answered in the info below. However, don't hesitate to email me with any questions, concerns, thoughts... [email protected]

The January 9, 2022 Norway 5K

Snowshoe season opener, on the brand new single track trail "Norway". Nothing too extreme about this course, just beautiful overlooks, massive stone walls, and Norway Spruce forests. This will be a great training run for the Stone Wall just 2 weeks later. Register by 12/9 to receive the Norway wine glass, perfect for the wine drinking/tailgating that goes on after each race and marathon course. 

Norway5K Race Details

DATE / TIME: Sunday, January 9,  10:30AM. 

START/FINISH: CCC Camp, County Route 90, Mannsville, NY

REGISTRATION: Opens at 9:00AM, closes 15 minutes before race start. 

                           Online registration closes Friday, January 7 at 7PM

                           Register by 12/9 to receive wine glass

RACE DAY REGISTRATION? Yes, but you won’t get swag

COURSE: Single track packed, conditions and snow-fall dependent


AID STATIONS: NONE             

RACE STATUS: If conditions are sketchy - the switch to virtual will be made Saturday, January 8 at 3PM via Facebook and Email. Make sure you use the email address I need when you registered. 

DIRECTIONS: Norway5K - Take Rt.  I-81 to exit 39, which is the Mannsville Exit. Head East on County Route 90 to stop sign in Mannsville. Go through stop, and continue on East 90 for total of 6 miles.  Look for orange "WINONA RACE" signs at intersections. 

LOANER SHOES: DION racing snowshoes available. Reserve by adding to your registration. We will run out if you do not reserve in advance. 



RACE DIRECTOR:  Matt Westerlund Email: [email protected]

FACILITIES: Cold Porta-potties



The January 23, 2022 Stone Wall

The NorthEast's signature snowshoe event, the Stone Wall returns to full capacity for 2022. Mass start for 5K and 10K runners, hundreds blast off in this explosive snowshoe squall start. The 5K course is family friendly, enjoy time with friends and family, beautiful winter scenes and fresh air. Choose the 10K course to test your limits in one of the toughest snowshoe race courses you will ever experience. Relentless, but worth every mile. Walk, run, do a little of both, it’s your day to enjoy Snowshoe Racing at its finest. 

Register by 12/19 to receive The 2022 Stone Wall Pom hat. 

Stone Wall Race Details

DATE / TIME: Sunday, January 23.  5K and 10K start at 10:30AM. 

START/FINISH: CCC Camp, County Route 90, Mannsville, NY

REGISTRATION: Opens at 9:00AM, closes 15 minutes before race start. 

                           Online registration closes Friday January 21 at 7PM

                            Register by 12/19 to receive The 2022 Stone Wall Pom Hat

RACE DAY REGISTRATION? Yes, but you won’t get swag

COURSE: Distances are approximate. Beautiful wooded forest trails. Mixture of groomed trail, single track packed, and virgin snow single track for both distances.



ENTRY:  $35 5K and 10K      

RACE STATUS: If conditions are sketchy - the switch to virtual will be made Saturday, January 22 at 3PM via Facebook and Email. Make sure you use the email address I need when you register. 

DIRECTIONS: Jan. 23 Stone Wall - Take Rt.  I-81 to exit 39, which is the Mannsville Exit. Head East on County Route 90 to stop sign in Mannsville. Go through stop, and continue on East 90 for a total of 6 miles.  Look for orange "WINONA RACE'' signs at intersections. 

LOANER SHOES: DION racing snowshoes available. Reserve by adding to your registration. We will run out if you do not reserve in advance. 



RACE DIRECTOR:  Matt Westerlund Email: [email protected]

FACILITIES: Cold Porta-potties


SWAG: Register by 12/19 to receive The 2022 Stone Wall Pom hat. 


The Stone Wall 5K/10K Race follows a well-marked course that is true to the sport of snowshoe racing. The 5K course is designed so anyone can participate, regardless of your ability levels. The 10K course is a true test of endurance, and should be selected only after at least some level of snowshoe training and/or high fitness level.  Winter conditions are unpredictable  You may encounter deep snow, bitterly cold temperatures, blizzard-like conditions, logs to jump, limbs to duck, wet conditions, water holes, downed trees, steep up and down hills, snowmobilers, skiers, and wild animals. It could be a bright, blue, clear winter day, or it could be something very different. Be prepared for anything. Regardless of weather, come to enjoy the day with fellow ‘shoers, in a beautiful forest.  


The February 20, 2022 Orange Course

3.65ish miles of glorious snowshoe trails only Winona Forest can provide. Probably the most popular course amongst our Marathon Snowshoe friends, let's have a massive snowshoe ramble on the fav'. Register early to receive "The Orange'' swag. 

The Orange Course Race Details

DATE / TIME: Sunday, February 20, 10:30AM. 

START/FINISH: CCC Camp, County Route 90, Mannsville, NY

REGISTRATION: Opens at 9:00AM, closes 15 minutes before race start. 

                           Online registration closes Friday February 19 at 7PM

                           Register by 1/15 to receive 2022 Orange Swag

RACE DAY REGISTRATION? Yes, but you won’t get swag



ENTRY:  $30      

RACE STATUS: If conditions are sketchy - the switch to virtual will be made Saturday, February 19 at 3PM via Facebook and Email. Make sure you use the email address I need when you register. 


If you do, you will likely be directed onto snowmobile trails that look passable. They are not. You will get stuck. It will cost you a lot of money for someone to get you out!

Start line is on North Church Road, at the Winona Way Trailhead crossing. 

From Interstate 81, Exit 37 - Sandy Creek Lacona Exit. If you were heading North on I81, you will turn Right. If you were heading South on I81, you will turn Left. Go about .8 miles to the end of road, then turn Left onto Ridge Road (AKA Co. Rt. 22). Go approximately a half mile, then turn right onto Center Road. Follow Center road for approximately 2.5 miles, take a left hand turn onto Rudd Road. Follow to end, 1.8 miles. At stop, turn right onto Hagen Road which turns into North Church Rd. In about 2.1 miles you will come to Winona Way crossing. There is a parking lot on the right that may or may not be plowed. 

LOANER SHOES: DION racing snowshoes available. Reserve by adding to your registration. We will run out if you do not reserve in advance. 



RACE DIRECTOR:  Matt Westerlund Email: [email protected]

FACILITIES: Cold Porta-potties


SWAG: Register by 1/15 to receive commemorative "Orange Course" paraphanelia


 Winter 2022 - The Winona Snowshoe Marathon

The Snowshoe Marathon is back for 2022. Sign up and receive free entry to all 3 live races. 26.2 miles over 6 well marked courses, 3 of which you get to complete on your own time and convenience. To help guide your adventures, courses will be signed all winter long, information and detailed turn by turn course descriptions will be available on the Winona Forest Website 

It is my genuine hope that the Winona Snowshoe Marathon will start a new tradition with you, and your friends and family. What an ideal opportunity to get out and stay fit in the winter months. 

Custom made Snowshoe Marathon finisher’s medal


We will once again provide loaner snowshoes to those who need them. A huge “Thank You!” goes out to DION SNOWSHOES for their continued support of Winona Snowshoe Events. 


Q & A

When will Online registration open?

It is OPEN now! 


Will loaner snowshoes be available?

Yes, reserve them on the registration page.


Will the race fill up and close?

No. BUT there are deadlines to receive swag!


Can I register for the 3 events on race day?

Yes, but you will not get the swag. 


Can I do ALL 6 courses virtually? 

Yes, live, virtually, any combination you wish. It’s your winter snowshoe season! Do what makes you happy. 


What if I pay, and the race is cancelled?

The race will not be cancelled. If conditions are not good on the day before the scheduled race, I will make an announcement by 3PM on Winona’s Facebook page, and by email, that the race will go virtual. From there -  you can come back and complete at your convenience. You will still get your swag. 


Can I do the Snowshoe Marathon as one single event, on one course instead of 6 different courses? 

Yes. The Stone Wall course is actually 6.55 miles long. Do 4 loops, and you have yourself a marathon. You will pass by your car for each loop, your hydration and nutrition needs can be met there. I would recommend you do it on Jan 23, get an early start, so we can cheer you on. 


Can I make multiple trips to Winona Forest, when it is convenient for me, to complete the marathon courses?

Yes, you can either complete the 6 courses, or the 4 loop Stone Wall course - at your convenience. 


I’m afraid to do the marathon, I’m not sure I’m in good enough shape.

The longest distance and most difficult course will be the Stone Wall (RED) course, which is 6.55 miles. Any winter adventure can quickly turn into a disaster. Be smart, be prepared. 


If I sign up for the marathon, am I automatically registered for the Stone Wall?

Yes. IN fact, you are automatically signed up for all 3 live races (Norway5K, Stone Wall, and The Orange) . Just register once. 


If I signed up for the marathon, can I choose the 5K distance at the Stone Wall on Jan 23?

Yes and No. Yes, but the 5K course is not one of the marathon courses.  You will have to come back and complete the 10K Stone Wall race course at your convenience. 


What do I do after I finish one of the 6 marathon courses?

Email me your name and finish time. Let me know if you want your time listed. You will be recognized as a finisher on the Winona Forest Website Snowshoe Marathon page for that course. 


How do I get that awesome Marathon Finisher's Medal?

Medals will be handed out at the Orange Course, if you have completed all 6 courses, or 4 loops of the Stone Wall. 


I’m going to do the marathon, but I’m slow, and will likely walk the whole thing. Can you not post my finish times please?

Finish times are optional. I won't post unless you send me a finish time. Each Marathon Course will have its own list of finishers. 


I’m very competitive. Can I go back to a course I already completed, to try to beat my time from a previously recorded finish time, to beat my time, or the person faster than me? 



When can I start?

The courses will be marked so participants can begin December 25. 


Do I have to wear snowshoes?



I'd like to knock off all the courses during a long weekend, and need a place to stay overnight. Where do you recommend?

Tailwater Lodge and mention you are a Winona Participant to get a discount



I'm ready to invest in my health, and I'm ready to buy my own snowshoes. What snowshoes do you recommend?

This is totally a personal preference. I can say that  Dion Snowshoes are very popular, and customer service is top notch. Dion is also very supportive of snowshoe events, the sport and customers. Therefore, I would recommend Dion Snowshoes. 


The Winona Forest Recreation Asssociation is a non-profit committed to providing awesome recreational opportunities to outdoor adventurous people like yourself. We build trails, groom trails, and put on awesome events. Please support our club, we depend on you. Get more info at http://www.winonaforest.com/













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Trail Conditions
  • Unknown
  • Snow Groomed
  • Snow Packed
  • Snow Covered
  • Snow Cover Partial
  • Freeze/thaw Cycle
  • Icy
  • Prevalent Mud
  • Wet
  • Variable
  • Ideal
  • Dry
  • Very Dry
Trail Flow (Ridden Direction)
Trailforks scans users ridelogs to determine the most popular direction each trail is ridden. A good flowing trail network will have most trails flowing in a single direction according to their intension.
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
  • > 96%
  • > 90%
  • > 80%
  • > 70%
  • > 50%
  • < 50%
  • bi-directional trail
  • no data
Trail Last Ridden
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine the last time a trail was ridden.
  • < 2 days
  • < 1 week
  • < 2 weeks
  • < 1 month
  • < 6 months
  • > 6 months
Trail Ridden Direction
The intended direction a trail should be ridden.
  • Downhill Only
  • Downhill Primary
  • Both Directions
  • Uphill Primary
  • Uphill Only
  • One Direction
Contribute Details
Colors indicate trail is missing specified detail.
  • Description
  • Photos
  • Description & Photos
  • Videos
Trail Popularity ?
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine which trails are ridden the most in the last 9 months. Trails are compared with nearby trails in the same city region with a possible 25 colour shades. Think of this as a heatmap, more rides = more kinetic energy = warmer colors.
  • most popular
  • popular
  • less popular
  • not popular
Max Vehicle Width
US Cell Coverage
cell carrier legend

Radar Time
x Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public ridelogs from the past 6 months.
  • mountain biking recent
  • mountain biking (>6 month)
  • hiking (1 year)
  • moto (1 year)
Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public skilogs from the past 12 months.
  • Downhill Ski
  • Backcountry Ski
  • Nordic Ski
  • Snowmobile
Winter Trails
Warning A routing network for winter maps does not exist. Selecting trails using the winter trails layer has been disabled.
x Missing Trails
Most Popular
Least Popular
Trails are colored based on popularity. The more popular a trail is, the more red. Less popular trails trend towards green.
Jump Magnitude Heatmap
Heatmap of where riders jump on trails. Zoom in to see individual jumps, click circles to view jump details.
Trails Deemphasized
Trails are shown in grey.
Only show trails with NO bikes.

Save the current map location and zoom level as your default home location whenever this page is loaded.

      Audience: local