DateSaturday April 8, 2023toSaturday April 8, 2023
past event -
ActivitiesMountain Bike
Presented By: Ready Set Go Adventures
Race will now be held in the natural wonders of Jungle Habitat in West Milford.
Until a few years ago, there were annual races at Jungle Habitat as part of the H2H Series and we are absolutely ecstatic to bring our event to this amazing park.
We greatly appreciate the responsiveness of the administrative team at Jungle Habitat / Long Pond Ironworks State Park for enabling us to hold this event without having to change the race date.
The race will double as a fundraiser for multiple charities.
We're donating $5 for every race entry to be split between NICA, JORBA and West Milford First Aid.
Day Of Event Sign Up
Available for additional $10 Fee.
Please bring Cash so we can get you registered quickly.
Race Loop Map & Elevation
Based on our own rides and feedback form racers we reversed the flow of course and may make some some minor tweaks prior to race based on course condition.
Long Loop 6 miles / 800 feet elevation
Short Loop 4 Mile / 400 feet elevation
We're working on keeping within H2H race time length guidelines as follows:
Cat 3/Jr 40-70 minutes - Cat 2/Open 80-110 minutes - Cat 1/Pro 100-135 minutes
TCat 3 / Jrs to do 2 short loops that keep to the upper part of the park and will be less technical than the long course (though still will have some techy goodness).
Cat 2/Open will do 1 short loop + 1 long loop
Cat 1/Pro will do 1 short loop + 2 long loops
Lap Map & Elevation
Long Course Loop as Below. Short Loop will start same way but at bottom of Hippo will make a LEFT onto Safari 1 pavement (there are three GREEN Left Arrow Signs and Blue Chalk Spray on pavement) then ride through Snake and connect back to long loop just before top of Animal Shute and complete rest of long loop.
Start is same as Long Course. At bottom of Cages you will make a Left onto paved Safari 1 go across through Snake and then make Left just before top of Animal Shute. There are multiple Green Signs with Arrows as well as Spray Chalk on the pavement to guide you.
Cash Payouts & Prizes
Equal $ Payouts ALL Men's & Women's Pro/Cat 1 & Endurance Categories
Cat 1/Pro Open Cash Payout will be per category proportional to entries in the class: Top 3 with 10 or less entries as follows: 50% payout with 5 or less racers, 75% payout with 6-9 racers, 100% payout with 10 racers. Top 5 with 15 or more racers in category. (1) $200, (2) $150, (3) $100, (4) $75, (5) $50.
Endurance Cash Payout will be per catgeory proportional to entries in class. Top 3 with 10 or less entries as follows: 50% payout with 5 or less racers, 75% payout with 6-9 racers, 100% payout with 10 racers. Top 5 with 15 or more racers in category. (1) $125, (2) $100, (3) 75, (4) $50, (5) $25
Medals & Prizes for Cat 1/2, Cat 2, Cat 3 and all Open Categories.
NJ State Parks is requiring a $5 parking fee for every car entering the park. We recommend car pooling if at all possible. Appreciate it if you can please bring exact change of $5 in cash to cover parking. You can also pre-pay parking in the merchandise section on this registration page.
Nearby Camping is available at either Camp Wyanokie or Wawayanda State Park
Both are about 15 minutes from race site
Event is planned rain or shine and there are no refunds.
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