DateSunday September 24, 2023toSunday September 24, 2023
past event -
ActivitiesMountain Bike
Presented By: Happy Valley Women's Cycling
Is as old as the first appearance of the mountain bike itself. The originators descended with heavily modified beach cruiser bikes. They raced numerous mountains against a rudimentary time measurement. You now have the opportunity to race in Seasons of Rothrock Session III on the most advanced and efficient bicycle the world has ever seen.
You will find roots and rocks a’plenty, and a grassroots mountain bike culture that’s unique in its own right. You can expect a fun, rocky, and challenging course that keeps you focused doesn't break your wallet, and gets you home in time for dinner. Registration and Awards will be hosted out of pavilion one. Please use the nearby blacksmith shop picnic area for parking.
Greenwood Furnace State Park covers 423 acres in the never-ending Rothrock State Forest. Greenwood Furnace includes a six-acre lake, campground, hiking trails, and a historic district. The park provides access to backpacking, hiking, mountain biking, hunting, and fishing. The race start will be staged in this area of rugged beauty, abundant wildlife, breathtaking vistas, and peaceful solitude.
15795 Greenwood Road
Huntingdon, PA 16652
If race is not sold out day of race registration is $70
8:00 am-9:30 am REGISTRATION Packet pick-up at pavilion 1 Greenwood Furnace.
9:45 am Rider safety meeting.
10:00 am Race will start on time.
1:00 pm the First finisher expected.
3:00 pm Podium and Cash payouts.
4:00 pm Last rider expected, finish line closes after the last rider.
Navy Blue Course Arrows EXPERT Long Course - Session III (31.6 miles 3,792 ft)
Course split is at mile 8.4 Expert turns left, Sport turns right.
Red Course Arrows SPORT Short Course - Session III (22.7 miles 2,170 ft)
Support 1 Water Stop & Medical Support
Mile 8.4 bottom of Peep on Coopers Gap Road. The course splits here.
(Expert) Blue goes left. (Sport) Red goes right.
Cut off is at 12:30 If you (expert rider) do not leave aid station 1 by 12:30 you must continue onto the short course.
Support 2 and 3 Snacks, Water & Medical Support
(Mile 18.3 & 24.8 Expert Course) (Mile 9.4 & 15.8 Sport Course) Bottom of Coopers Gap Road and Kettle Road. You will visit this support station twice. First, you will be going straight on Coopers Gap Road heading for Shitaka. The second time you will come off the trail and climb Kettle Road to the finish.
Cut off is at 2:30 p.m. If you do not leave aid station 2 by 2:30 you must go up Kettle Road to the finish. (skipping Shitaka, Deer Tick, and Beautiful)
Greenwood Furnace is race Session III of Seasons of Rothrock Race Series.
Are you a rider interested in exploring beautiful Pennsylvania gravel and singletrack in Rothrock State Forest and making friends in a great community along the way? If so, the Seasons of Rothrock 2022 series–which captures all four seasons through two gravel and two mountain biking races – is perfect for you We focus on racer experience, and our goal is to host events that offer quality, safe, fun, competitive biking experiences to as many people as possible. Professional and amateur cyclists are all welcome! No USAC or any other license is required to race. We encourage more women to race and hold half of the Rothrock Grit Gravel Grinder entries for ladies.
Races are a great way to spend an afternoon pushing yourself to your limit on challenging, fun singletrack, or enjoy a whole weekend with family and friends. You’ll be supporting a community that emphasizes the fun and social aspects of racing while creating local events with a national-level feel. We invite you to see for yourself what the Happy Valley and the Cycling community has to offer.
These non-profit races will raise funds for our cycling community. We are dedicated to giving you a great racing experience!
Dates & Races
April 24th Session I Whipple Dam State Park Gravel
June 11th Rothrock Grit Gravel Grinder Gravel
September 25th Session III, Greenwood Furnace Mountain Bike
December 4th Session IV, Tussey Mountain Mountain Bike
Event swag is guaranteed to all riders who pre-register 30 days prior to race day.. After that, racers are welcome to register but are not guaranteed swag.
Compete in all four races to earn the title of Series King and Queen.
We will crown the royal court for categories such as Gentlemen Open, Clydesdale, SingleSpeed, Gentlemen 40+, Gentlemen +50 and Youth Racers under 18 and equally represented Lady categories. Racers will be required to race the longest distances in four races to be eligible for ranking in the overall series.
EXPERT Long Course - Session III (31.6 miles 3,792 ft)
SPORT Short Course - Session III (22.7 miles 2,170 ft)
Seasons of Rothrock - Session III Greenwood Furnace provides you with:
A fully marked course
Well-stocked support station
Cash awards to top 3 Ladies and Gentlemen Overall
Top three podium awards in all listed categories
Post-race event snacks and beer tickets for riders *When alcohol permit is obtained
Race swag
100% of the net proceeds from your race entry are donated to local cycling initiatives. In the past donations have been made to:
Nittany Mountain Bike Association
Harvest Fields Community Trails
National Interscholastic Cycling Association
Girls Rock
Friends of Rothrock
Thank You to Our Sponsors! Our Supporters Make a Difference.
We are so grateful for the support of so many, who are committed to helping people, strengthening families, and building stronger, healthier, and safer cycling communities. Together, we are helping to make a difference.
No Transfers - No Deferrals - Shit happens, Bike Reg offers race day insurance if you want it, buy it. Otherwise, SOR will only offer a 50% refund before the event is closed.
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The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
- > 96%
- > 90%
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- > 50%
- < 50%
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- mountain biking recent
- mountain biking (>6 month)
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