DateSaturday January 14, 2023toSaturday January 14, 2023
past event -
ActivitiesMountain Bike
Presented By: Bedford County Parks and Recreation
Mountain Cross, or MTX….what is it? The "mountain" part refers to many of the same aspects that you might encounter in a mountain bike race. There will be single track with rocks, roots and stumps but it will only make up roughly 50% of the course. The other 50% of the course will consist of mixed surfaces such as grass paths, gravel or pavement, and double track dirt roads. The "cross" parts refers to the multiple styles of racing and mixed terrain the race combines being a combination of moutain biking and cyclocross. There are mandatory barriers that must be dismounted for, a staggered start, and the equalizer format. When combined these different riding styles and elements make what we call Mountain Cross. The races are short, intense, and loads of fun! These are great training races if you have your eye on some other races coming in the Spring/Summer . This is also a great if you have a new years resolution, want to stay active during the cold months, or just want bragging rights! This race embodies the Norwegian proverb that says, "There is no bad weather, only poor clothing choice." WE RACE ANY WEATHER!
We will adopt the Equalizer Format to score these races. This is similar to the golf handicapping system . In golf, players of different abilities can play fun and competitive rounds against one another. Since their handicaps equalize their scores the golfer that plays his or her best, regardless of their level of experience, can win! NO SANDBAGGING!!! The equalizer format allows racers of all ages and ability levels to race for the overall race win. (A bonus of the format is that both slower and faster racers get to motivate and push each other to run faster! Slower racers who start first are motivated from being chased by faster racers who are motivated to catch them having started later!) The winner is the racer who does the most laps. Series winners will be the racers completing the most laps combined from all the races. In the event of a tie the racer with the most laps in the least amount of time wins. (Ex. 20 laps in 1:55:05 beats 20 laps in 1:59:00)
MTX #1- January 14th, Saturday, Falling Creek Park, 1:01pm Start -
MTX #2- January 28th, Saturday, New London Tech Trails, 1:01pm Start
MTX #3- February 10th, Friday, Falling Creek Park, 8:08pm Start - FRIDAY NIGHT BIKE LIGHTS *Headlamps and bike lights required, it is recommended to bring multiple lights to have as back up.
MTX #4- March 4th, Saturday, Falling Creek Park , 1:01pm Start
$15-20 per race (Finisher Award + T-shirt first come first serve), $45-60 for entire series click below (1 FREE RACE + T-SHIRT+AWARD)
Carbon Level Sponsors
Bikes Unlimited https://www.bikesunlimited.com/
Titanium Level Sponsors
Cardinal Bikes
Aluminum Level Sponsors
Blackwater Bike Shop
Steel Level Sponsors
Just The Right Gear
Blue Ridge Overland Gear
Trek Roanoke
Peaks Coacking
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