DateSaturday February 4, 2023toSaturday February 4, 2023
past event -
ActivitiesMountain Bike
Presented By: The Women of OZ NWA
Join us for our monthly Flagship Ride Meeting Location @ The Momentary Green (next to the huge tent next to 8th St market): 507 SE E St, Bentonville, AR. You will look for your designated ride sign that will be color coded. Please find the group you register for and your ride leaders will greet you. The timeframe for the event is 2-4pm with a post-ride social immediately following.
We will have ride leaders for skill levels between Beginner to Advanced.
If you're new to mountain biking OR have never done a fundamentals skills clinic we REQUIRE YOU to start with the WOZ Fundamental Skills Clinic during registration. Regardless of your riding experience we feel taking this skills course from one of our WOZ certified instructors will help improve your riding and create a better riding experience for all.
Need a bike? You can reach out to any of our local bike shops to reserve a bike at a first-time rental fee of $20. Go to our website www.WOZNWA.com for a list of our bike shop sponsors.
***Ride levels are based on YOUR CURRENT skills and endurance levels *** We want everyone to have the best and safest experience possible so we’ve laid out a “rating” system to help align you with the right ride group. Please review the skills, endurance, milage and proposed trails. Being in the right group makes a better ride for all.
At registration first choose your riding and fitness level, then choose the best description among the groups. Remember if you want to ride with a friend, register ASAP in the same Level AND Group # to ensure you'll be in the same group.
Choose your group:
FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS CLINIC... this is the starting place
Select this group if you have never ridden a mountain bike, it’s been a little longer than you would like to admit, OR you've never taken this clinic before….. Welcome! You have to start somewhere and this is the place! Even the most advanced riders need to brush up on these essential skills. This Skills Clinic will cover the fundamental of mountain biking and then you'll hit the trail for a 2-3 mile ride.
Skill Level 1
Skills you can perform:
Staying upright while pedaling
Fitness Level- no requirement
You’ve ridden on the dirt multiple times now and you are starting to get the hang of things. You are now putting those skills from the clinic into play and working on shifting, braking, and body position. Ride 5-7 miles.
Skills you can perform:
Skill level 1+
Level pedals while riding
Riding with one finger over L & R brake levers
Getting to know berms (those are those turns with the dirt)
Fitness Level 1
Able to ride 30 minutes on easy terrain
Climbing a hill on the bike might require a breather break on the way up, and at the top of the hill. (I thought hills were for going down??)
GREEN +.... New with constant improvement
Here to add the obstacles and steeper hills, but you are taking fewer breaks and pushing the ride time and mileage. You are attempting more rocky surfaces, bridges and to roll over roots. (Yep we just roll right over those suckers.) Distances up to 8 miles or 2 hours are doable. Down Tristan’s? Let go up it! Ride 5-7 miles.
Skills you can perform:
Skill level 2+
Standing on level pedals in “ready” position comfortably
Getting comfortable with appropriate gear shifting
Novice on cornering and berms
Comfortable crossing bridges
Okay rolling over low roots/rocks and through tight trees
Fitness Level Required 2
You ride 2x a week
You can handle non-stop riding for up to an hour on easy terrain, after that it’s hit or miss.
You can climb up Crystal Bridges hill without stopping, but give me a breather at the top!
BLUE ....Confident and Fit.... attempting rock gardens
The rides are getting longer and the pace quicker. Getting quicker out of berms you are confident in shifting, comfortable on single track and open to attempting obstacles. You’re getting the hang of Coler, riding most of Slaughter Pen, and may have ridden Back 40 or at least parts of it. Ride 9-12 miles.
Skills you can perform:
Skill Level 3+
Controlled braking
Must be comfortable cornering and with berms
Bike-body separation are natural
Comfortable with most moderate terrain (steeper, rockier, wetter, etc.)
Confident with wide switchbacks
Able to look up the trail and anticipate shifting, position change, obstacles, etc.
Fitness Level 3
You ride 2-3x a week on an average in season week
You can climb longer with soft pedaling as a recovery instead of stopping
You can ride moderate pace for 2 hours with minimal stops
Must be able to climb Ozone
Intermediate skill group: here because you’re still working on upping the mileage and ride time. 15 miles or 3 hours might be my cutoff!
BLUE +... Confident, fit and ready for a 3hr ride
You’ve been riding for awhile now, put a lot of time and mileage in to riding confidently and tackling bigger challenges are a regular thing. You are comfortable with fast descents, rock gardens, more technical climbs and features. Ride 10-15 miles.
Skills you can perform:
Skill Level 4+ Confident with bike handling skills with roots, rocks, tight corners, etc
Your tires are leaving the ground
Climbing technical terrain
Comfortable in tight Berms/Switchbacks and exit with acceleration
Can ride technical single track
Able to get up and over moderate obstacles up to 6 inches off ground
Fitness Level 4
Riding 3-4x a week
3 hour rides are doable
Able to climb continuously without breaks
Can ride most of Back 40
BLACK....Advanced rider and can ride with a pro-mtb'r
Ride now, talk later. You are up for fast paced, intense, challenging, demanding, some good ol light-hearted competition! Be ready to ride fast, nail some jumps and drops, and possibly get a QOM in the meantime! Ride 15+ miles.
Skills you can perform:
Skill Level 5+
Comfortable with drops and changing technical terrain
Hop over obstacles
Able to perform front wheel/rear wheel lifts (up to 6 inches as needed)
Fitness Level 5
Riding 4-5x a week
Considers racing around the Back 40 in around 3hrs FUN
Ready to move at a rapid pace throughout ride
Continuous movement, breaks only to refuel
Can ride Rock Solid and Schroen Train
REGISTRATION: If you have a friend on the same ride level that you want to ride with make sure to register in the same ride level AND same group number (register ASAP to ensure this is possible). We will NOT be able to make any changes to groups unless you need to cancel your registration. This is all to deliver the best possible ride experience for each and every one of you! If you don't end up riding with your friends, don't worry, you'll have the opportunity to make new ones and see your other friends at the social afterwards. Win win!
Not sure which group to join? A great way to know if you are ready to advance ride levels is if you were able to keep up with the ride leader the entirety of the ride and felt like you could have continued at that pace for more. If you are still unsure on which ride might be for you just contact us…..we love talking bikes.
COVID 19: Please do not join the flagship if you have recently tested positive, been around someone who's tested positive or you are not feeling well.
Cancellation/Bad Weather Policy: If bad weather arises we aim to cancel the event by 10am the day of the flagship. Stay tuned to social media for announcements.
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- Unknown
- Snow Groomed
- Snow Packed
- Snow Covered
- Snow Cover Partial
- Freeze/thaw Cycle
- Icy
- Prevalent Mud
- Wet
- Variable
- Ideal
- Dry
- Very Dry
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
- > 96%
- > 90%
- > 80%
- > 70%
- > 50%
- < 50%
- bi-directional trail
- no data
- < 2 days
- < 1 week
- < 2 weeks
- < 1 month
- < 6 months
- > 6 months
- Downhill Only
- Downhill Primary
- Both Directions
- Uphill Primary
- Uphill Only
- One Direction
- Description
- Photos
- Description & Photos
- Videos
- most popular
- popular
- less popular
- not popular
- mountain biking recent
- mountain biking (>6 month)
- hiking (1 year)
- moto (1 year)
- Downhill Ski
- Backcountry Ski
- Nordic Ski
- Snowmobile
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