BMC Rock Cobbler 10.0 and Pebble Cobbler 6.0
Race Details:

Presented By: Sambarn Promotions


The Ride… The Food… The Prizes… The stupidly hard
route… The glorious euphoric pain… The rocks, the dirt, the mud… Gravel ride? Sorta…


1 0  Y E A R S  O F  M A D N E S S  !


The world-famous BMC Rock Cobbler is a stupidly hard ride bordering on a race. It was conceived by drunken madmen…on a ride…then on barstools…late in the night. The Pebbler is less stupidly hard but still a true challenge. As always we are passionate and driven to showcase dirt trails, roads and things that are neither. Shenanigans abound. We promise a unique, challenging route of lots o’ dirt and everything from MTB level stuff to easy gravel fun….In a very Bakersfield way.

As is tradition, the final routes, other details, updates, rules and news will be shared with registered riders.


The Cobbler will be roughly about and around 80ish miles 5500—6500 ft of elevation gain and the Pebbler half of that, roughly. Having fun is a must. You might meet Tacoman, cross a river, suck your thumb, cuss at us but you WILL hike with your bike and pedal…a lot…We promise an adventure!


Both routes are designed to be a challenge on a gravel/cross bike, ideally ?tted with some FINE IRC tires. Choose your width and tread carefully, we throw it all at ya. Mountain bikes OK! Road bikes, bad idea!


•    There are no categories but we do award the first male and female Finisher of each ride with an extra special gift.
•    This is NOT a race, it is a damn challenging ride (but ride as fast as you wish!).
•    The Cobbler is hard. You must make it to the final SAG stop by 4:30 pm or we reserve the right to haul you in.


•    Stramler Park, 4003 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301
•    Friday Feb 10th PRE-RIDE 3:30 from Stramler Park (One Hour-ish) packet pickup, 5-9 pm (at the venue)
•    Saturday Feb 11th, breakfast 6-8 am, roll out First wave 8:30 am SHARP
•    4-5 Wave starts, 5 min apart…you will be given your wave at reg OR in advance


When you finish (if you finish) you will know why it’s called ROCK COBBLER!

Sam Ames, chief excitement officer and ringmaster of the shit show
[email protected]




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Trail Conditions
  • Unknown
  • Snow Groomed
  • Snow Packed
  • Snow Covered
  • Snow Cover Partial
  • Freeze/thaw Cycle
  • Icy
  • Prevalent Mud
  • Wet
  • Variable
  • Ideal
  • Dry
  • Very Dry
Trail Flow (Ridden Direction)
Trailforks scans users ridelogs to determine the most popular direction each trail is ridden. A good flowing trail network will have most trails flowing in a single direction according to their intension.
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
  • > 96%
  • > 90%
  • > 80%
  • > 70%
  • > 50%
  • < 50%
  • bi-directional trail
  • no data
Trail Last Ridden
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine the last time a trail was ridden.
  • < 2 days
  • < 1 week
  • < 2 weeks
  • < 1 month
  • < 6 months
  • > 6 months
Trail Ridden Direction
The intended direction a trail should be ridden.
  • Downhill Only
  • Downhill Primary
  • Both Directions
  • Uphill Primary
  • Uphill Only
  • One Direction
Contribute Details
Colors indicate trail is missing specified detail.
  • Description
  • Photos
  • Description & Photos
  • Videos
Trail Popularity ?
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine which trails are ridden the most in the last 9 months. Trails are compared with nearby trails in the same city region with a possible 25 colour shades. Think of this as a heatmap, more rides = more kinetic energy = warmer colors.
  • most popular
  • popular
  • less popular
  • not popular
Max Vehicle Width
US Cell Coverage
cell carrier legend

Radar Time
x Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public ridelogs from the past 6 months.
  • mountain biking recent
  • mountain biking (>6 month)
  • hiking (1 year)
  • moto (1 year)
Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public skilogs from the past 12 months.
  • Downhill Ski
  • Backcountry Ski
  • Nordic Ski
  • Snowmobile
Winter Trails
Warning A routing network for winter maps does not exist. Selecting trails using the winter trails layer has been disabled.
x Missing Trails
Most Popular
Least Popular
Trails are colored based on popularity. The more popular a trail is, the more red. Less popular trails trend towards green.
Jump Magnitude Heatmap
Heatmap of where riders jump on trails. Zoom in to see individual jumps, click circles to view jump details.
Trails Deemphasized
Trails are shown in grey.
Only show trails with NO bikes.

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      Audience: local