Trail Conditions
- Unknown
- Snow Groomed
- Snow Packed
- Snow Covered
- Snow Cover Partial
- Freeze/thaw Cycle
- Icy
- Prevalent Mud
- Wet
- Variable
- Ideal
- Dry
- Very Dry
Trail Flow (Ridden Direction)
Trailforks scans users ridelogs to determine the most popular direction each trail is ridden. A good flowing trail network will have most trails flowing in a single direction according to their intension.
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
- > 96%
- > 90%
- > 80%
- > 70%
- > 50%
- < 50%
- bi-directional trail
- no data
Trail Last Ridden
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine the last time a trail was ridden.
- < 2 days
- < 1 week
- < 2 weeks
- < 1 month
- < 6 months
- > 6 months
Trail Ridden Direction
The intended direction a trail should be ridden.
- Downhill Only
- Downhill Primary
- Both Directions
- Uphill Primary
- Uphill Only
- One Direction
Contribute Details
Colors indicate trail is missing specified detail.
- Description
- Photos
- Description & Photos
- Videos
Trail Popularity ?
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine which trails are ridden the most in the last 9 months.
Trails are compared with nearby trails in the same city region with a possible 25 colour shades.
Think of this as a heatmap, more rides = more kinetic energy = warmer colors.
- most popular
- popular
- less popular
- not popular
Max Vehicle Width
US Cell Coverage
Radar Time
Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public ridelogs from the past 6 months.
- mountain biking recent
- mountain biking (>6 month)
- hiking (1 year)
- moto (1 year)
Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public skilogs from the past 12 months.
- Downhill Ski
- Backcountry Ski
- Nordic Ski
- Snowmobile
Winter Trails
A routing network for winter maps does not exist. Selecting trails using the winter trails layer has been disabled.
Missing Trails
Most Popular
Least Popular
Trails are colored based on popularity. The more popular a trail is, the more red. Less popular trails trend towards green.
Jump Magnitude Heatmap
Heatmap of where riders jump on trails. Zoom in to see individual jumps, click circles to view jump details.
Trails Deemphasized
Trails are shown in grey.
Only show trails with NO bikes.
Save the current map location and zoom level as your default home location whenever this page is loaded.
Save171 trails
title | riding area | city | prov | activitytype | activitytype | ||
10 Gallon | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
300' Trail | Marlinton | WV | |||||
4H4 | Bridgeport | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
5 Year Back | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
6000 Steps | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
A Headset Adjustment | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Access Rd | Fairmont | WV | |||||
Airport Road | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Airport Runway | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Allegheny Highlands Trail (Randolph County) | Elkins | WV | |||||
Allegheny Trail (Beulah-Gaudineer Knob) #701 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Back 40 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Bail Out | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Ball-N-Jack | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Bannock Shoals #446 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Barn Yard | West Milford | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
BART (Bottom Airport Ridge Trail) | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Bear Pen Ridge Trail #440 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Big Ash | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Black Cherry | West Milford | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Black Cherry #424 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Boundary Trail #449 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Brandt Hill | Marlinton | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Bridgeport City Park | Bridgeport | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Bridgeport Trail | Bridgeport | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Bruffey Reserve Trail | Hillsboro | WV | |||||
Burner Mountain Trail #322 | Durbin | WV | |||||
Burr Smith | West Milford | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Burr Smith Extention | West Milford | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Charles Creek Trail #260 | Hillsboro | WV | |||||
Cheat Mtn Ridge Trail | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Connector | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Cowpasture Trail #253 | Hillsboro | WV | |||||
Cranberry (FR 76) FR76 | Hillsboro | WV | |||||
Crouch Ridge Trail | Huttonsville | WV | |||||
Deer Creek Trail | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Deer Trail | Fairmont | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Deer Trail Alternate | Fairmont | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Dirt Beaver | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Dogway (FR 232) | Hillsboro | WV | |||||
Dogwood | mtb | mtb | |||||
Duck Creek Loop | West Milford | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Easy Street | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Elk Rail Trail #422 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Elk River Trail | Clay | WV | |||||
Enchanted Forest | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Fall Line Trail | Fairmont | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Fawn | mtb | mtb | |||||
Fire Tower Trail | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Flume (Access) | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Forest Road 92 | Huttonsville | WV | |||||
Frosty Gap #235 | Hillsboro | WV | |||||
Galford Trail | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Gauley Mountain Trail #438 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Gauley-Tea Creek Connector #413 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Gbt | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Giant Slalom | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Greenbrier River Trail | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Halfway Run | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Hannah Run Rd | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Harrison South Rail Trail | Clarksburg | WV | |||||
Harrison South Rail Trail | Clarksburg | WV | |||||
Hemlock #425 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Hevener's Orchard Trail | Buckhannon | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Hickory Loop | mtb | mtb | |||||
Highwall Bypass | West Milford | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Hilltop Trail | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Hootenanny (access) | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Hosterman Trail | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Jc Junction Trail | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Jeremiah Carpenter Trail | Sutton | WV | |||||
Judi Chop | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Kennison Mountain Trail | Hillsboro | WV | |||||
Lairn's Trail | Roanoke | WV | |||||
Lakeside Nature Trail | Roanoke | WV | |||||
Langston Trail | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Lincoln Log | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Lower Beaver Dam | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Lower Dreamweaver | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Lower Hare Ball | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Lower Pro DH | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Lower Rocky Trail East | Fairmont | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Lower Spruce Road | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Lucid | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Missing Link | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Nature Trail | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Ninja Bob | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
North Bend Rail Trail (Wood County) | Parkersburg | WV | |||||
North Face Trail #450 | Snowshoe Village | WV | hike | hike | |||
OG | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Pocahontas Trail #263 | Hillsboro | WV | |||||
Portal | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Powder Puff | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Powerline | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Powerline | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Props Run #420 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Quick Draw | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Rachel Hershey | West Milford | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Rachel Hershey (Lower) | West Milford | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Raging Bull | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Red Cardinal | Fairmont | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Red Run Trail #439 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Red Spruce Knob Trail | Marlinton | WV | hike | hike | |||
Reflector Trail | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Rhododendron Trail | Fairmont | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Right Fork Connector Trail #411 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Right Fork Tea Creek Trail #453 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
River View | Bridgeport | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Road | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Road Side Trail | Fairmont | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Roaring Run Trail #422 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Ruff and Tumble | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Saddle Loop #448 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Service Rd | West Milford | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Shaver's Lake (Access) | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Shavers Fork | Huttonsville | WV | |||||
Shavers Fork Rd (FR 209) | Huttonsville | WV | |||||
Shavers Lake Road | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Shavers Lake Trail | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Short Bus | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Short Track | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Sidewinder | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Silver Creek Maintenance Road | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Skyline | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Slavin Hollow Trail | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Snowshoe Parkway | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
South Fork #243 | Hillsboro | WV | |||||
South Fork Cranberry FR102 | Hillsboro | WV | |||||
Span Oak Trail #321 | Durbin | WV | |||||
Stonecoal | Huttonsville | WV | |||||
Swamp Trail | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Sweet Dreams | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Swingset | Bridgeport | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Tea Creek Mountain Trail #452 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Tea Creek Trail #454 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Thomas Reserve Trail #275 | Hillsboro | WV | |||||
Thorny Creek Trail 2 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Trail A | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Trail B | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Trail D | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Trail DD | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Trail E | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Trail F | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Trail G | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Trail H | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Trail I | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Trail J | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Trail K | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Trail M | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Trail N | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Trail O | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Trick Track Trek | West Milford | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Turkey Hunter | Huttonsville | WV | |||||
Turkey Point #447 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Turkey Point Connector #410 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Unemployment Highway (Cheat Mtn Ridge Alt) | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Upper Beaver Dam | Snowshoe Village | WV | |||||
Upper Deer Trail | Fairmont | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Upper Dreamweaver | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Upper Hare Ball | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Upper Pro DH | Snowshoe Village | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Upshur County Trail | Buckhannon | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
West Fork Rail Trail | Fairmont | WV | |||||
West Fork River Rail Trail | Shinnston | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
West Fork Trail #312 | Durbin | WV | |||||
White Oak | West Milford | WV | mtb | mtb | |||
Whitmeadow | Huttonsville | WV | |||||
Williams River Trail #487 | Marlinton | WV | |||||
Yokum Alternate | Huttonsville | WV | |||||
Yokum Ridge | Huttonsville | WV | |||||
Yokum Ridge Spur | Huttonsville | WV |