Trail Conditions
- Unknown
- Snow Groomed
- Snow Packed
- Snow Covered
- Snow Cover Partial
- Freeze/thaw Cycle
- Icy
- Prevalent Mud
- Wet
- Variable
- Ideal
- Dry
- Very Dry
Trail Flow (Ridden Direction)
Trailforks scans users ridelogs to determine the most popular direction each trail is ridden. A good flowing trail network will have most trails flowing in a single direction according to their intension.
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
- > 96%
- > 90%
- > 80%
- > 70%
- > 50%
- < 50%
- bi-directional trail
- no data
Trail Last Ridden
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine the last time a trail was ridden.
- < 2 days
- < 1 week
- < 2 weeks
- < 1 month
- < 6 months
- > 6 months
Trail Ridden Direction
The intended direction a trail should be ridden.
- Downhill Only
- Downhill Primary
- Both Directions
- Uphill Primary
- Uphill Only
- One Direction
Contribute Details
Colors indicate trail is missing specified detail.
- Description
- Photos
- Description & Photos
- Videos
Trail Popularity ?
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine which trails are ridden the most in the last 9 months.
Trails are compared with nearby trails in the same city region with a possible 25 colour shades.
Think of this as a heatmap, more rides = more kinetic energy = warmer colors.
- most popular
- popular
- less popular
- not popular
Max Vehicle Width
US Cell Coverage
Radar Time
Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public ridelogs from the past 6 months.
- mountain biking recent
- mountain biking (>6 month)
- hiking (1 year)
- moto (1 year)
Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public skilogs from the past 12 months.
- Downhill Ski
- Backcountry Ski
- Nordic Ski
- Snowmobile
Winter Trails
A routing network for winter maps does not exist. Selecting trails using the winter trails layer has been disabled.
Missing Trails
Most Popular
Least Popular
Trails are colored based on popularity. The more popular a trail is, the more red. Less popular trails trend towards green.
Jump Magnitude Heatmap
Heatmap of where riders jump on trails. Zoom in to see individual jumps, click circles to view jump details.
Trails Deemphasized
Trails are shown in grey.
Only show trails with NO bikes.
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SaveThis is a large network of old-school backcountry mountain bike trails. They are primarily very narrow singletrack through a huge forest area. Trails are typically on un-graded, un-raked Canadian shield so expect lots of granite and steep ups and downs. These are not modern "flowy" trails for the most part but are amazing if you like a technical challenge with lots of unique, rugged, and beautiful scenery. Expect many beaver dam crossings, mossy outcrops and other unique features (hint, don't wear your best white socks). Some of the black trails are like trials courses at times so be prepared. Wide, burly tires are recommended due to the granite, leave the 1.9" semi-slicks at home, 7km/hr is a pretty good average speed.
Trail maintenance is done by very few people so expect fallen trees and if you have a folding saw, bring it. Any help clearing deadfall, limbs, branches etc is welcome and greatly appreciated Trails are sporadically marked with metal tags nailed to trees with the trail number on them and "Shabomeka Legpower Pathfinders". You will note piles of rocks or rocks standing on edge marking the trails periodically. Intersections are often marked with piles of rocks. Trail map pdf is linked below. Navigation can be challenging, particularly on the more difficult trails as they see few riders. Looking for areas where low-hanging branches have been removed is often helpful in finding the trail when it gets faint. Cell service in the area is sporadic but the GPS maps are pretty accurate.
*** If you are interested in helping with trail maintenance please message me through this site! We need many hands to get this network back up and running after the storms of 2022. ***
A 60 km network of beautifully scenic paths for non-motorized use only meandering through a wide variety of habitats in the forest heartland surrounding Shabomeka Lake in the Madawaska Highlands of the Land O’ Lakes region of Eastern Ontario. Hiking and mountain biking in the spring, summer and fall. Ski touring in the winter.
Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act, path users are deemed to willingly assume the risks of injury. Exemplary consideration for the paths and for others is expected of all users. Those with motorized vehicles are of course asked to refrain from using or altering the paths. Use of the Shabomeka LEGPOWER Pathfinders paths implies a responsibility on the part of the user to regard their use, whether on private property or Crown Land, to be a privilege, not a right. You are expected to conduct yourself as a guest, not an intruder.
The sLp path network is just southeast of Bon Echo Provincial Park. 3.7 km north of Cloyne turn east off Hwy 41 onto Head Rd. at the south end of Mazinaw Lake. Pass Cedar Lodge, cross the bridge. Just past Bon Echo Family Campsites (1.0 km from Hwy 41) turn left onto Shabomeka Lake Road for 5.7 km to a short causeway, where Shawenegog Lake Lane begins. After 0.4 km turn left into driveway 1067 marked PEARCE 22/23/EKELI (Norwegian for 'Sheltering Oaks'). The pathhead is 1067B.
Please DO NOT use skinny Nordic skis on the paths.
It’s important to understand the vast difference between ski touring (ungroomed) and Nordic (groomed) skiing in terms of conditions, equipment, and technique. Ski touring tracks LOOK like grooves, but are really raised rails, as the only packed snow is directly under the skis. A ski travelling only a centimetre or two off the centre of the ‘rail’ will fall off into the soft snow on either side, effectively destroying the track for others, as well as wrecking the skier’s own enjoyment. Touring skis are wide because that makes them effective in soft snow. Nordic skis are very narrow to operate most efficiently in hard grooves, or packed snow for ‘skating’. There is no incentive in Nordic skiing to learn to glide the skis exactly parallel to each other because they HAVE to go parallel in the machine made tracks. Thus, Nordic skiers find it impossible to stay on touring tracks/rails with their skinny skis, and very difficult even when they use wide skis. Nordic skiers also find the 5 cm spacing between ski touring tracks awkward, as they are used to the crotch-splitting 20 cm spacing of machine-made tracks.
The essence of ski touring is tip and edge control, two factors pretty much missing in Nordic skiing. Ski paths, especially after a thaw, consist of many small to large moguls. Every time the centre of the ski goes over the apex of a mogul it will want to pivot. Only constant precise positioning of the tip by ankle and knee will prevent the ski from pivoting off the track. Similarly, the varying texture of the snow will make the ski want to cant and slide instantly off the track. Again, only ankle and knee edge control can counter this. The paths are not groomed, and since you won’t be able to count on another skier preceding you to lay a track, you’ll have to assume you’ll be breaking your own track. A FLAT and EVEN track, that is, as a courtesy to those who follow. This is when having learned to parallel glide becomes very important. Developing this skill will take a lot of practice, but it’s worth it. Practise gliding rather than clomping around flat curves, and telemarking on all downhill curves.
Touring skis should be from 60 mm to 75 mm wide. They’re light, extremely stable, and will break track all day long. Check out ski sales. Wide, unfashionable skis are generally the ones being sold off at very low prices. The only way to decide between ‘wax’ and ‘waxless’ (neither being perfect) is to try each. Waxed skis and technique can almost eliminate ‘herringboning’ up hills. Poly-soled skis are good for both early or late in the season because of their abrasion resistance. The classic type of 3-pin Nordic Norm binding works best for ski touring. The standard ‘armpit’ pole length is fine, especially for deeper snow, but baskets should be at least 100 mm in diameter.
For ski touring, clothing ‘fashion’ is obviously not a big factor, as there are not a lot of people out there to impress. Wear the outdoor clothes you feel most comfortable in. Don’t forget to dress in layers that you can remove when you get too warm, as in hiking and cycling. A small knapsack will hold discarded jackets, sweaters, and gloves, as well as your waxes, compass, matches, lunch, drinks, and an indispensable tool: a small hand windshield scraper to get frozen slush off the bottom of your skis, and packed snow from under your boots.
Please DO NOT use snowshoes on the paths. Snowshoes aren’t quite as destructive as that ski touring nemesis – the cursed snowmobile, but they do ruin the ski touring experience.
I am sad to report that the creator of this trail network and founder of The Shabomeka Legpower Pathfinders, Glen Pearce, passed away this past winter. His obituary is here:
The trails he created are a testament to his vision, enduring dedication and love for the outdoors.
Trail maintenance is done by very few people so expect fallen trees and if you have a folding saw, bring it. Any help clearing deadfall, limbs, branches etc is welcome and greatly appreciated Trails are sporadically marked with metal tags nailed to trees with the trail number on them and "Shabomeka Legpower Pathfinders". You will note piles of rocks or rocks standing on edge marking the trails periodically. Intersections are often marked with piles of rocks. Trail map pdf is linked below. Navigation can be challenging, particularly on the more difficult trails as they see few riders. Looking for areas where low-hanging branches have been removed is often helpful in finding the trail when it gets faint. Cell service in the area is sporadic but the GPS maps are pretty accurate.
*** If you are interested in helping with trail maintenance please message me through this site! We need many hands to get this network back up and running after the storms of 2022. ***
A 60 km network of beautifully scenic paths for non-motorized use only meandering through a wide variety of habitats in the forest heartland surrounding Shabomeka Lake in the Madawaska Highlands of the Land O’ Lakes region of Eastern Ontario. Hiking and mountain biking in the spring, summer and fall. Ski touring in the winter.
Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act, path users are deemed to willingly assume the risks of injury. Exemplary consideration for the paths and for others is expected of all users. Those with motorized vehicles are of course asked to refrain from using or altering the paths. Use of the Shabomeka LEGPOWER Pathfinders paths implies a responsibility on the part of the user to regard their use, whether on private property or Crown Land, to be a privilege, not a right. You are expected to conduct yourself as a guest, not an intruder.
The sLp path network is just southeast of Bon Echo Provincial Park. 3.7 km north of Cloyne turn east off Hwy 41 onto Head Rd. at the south end of Mazinaw Lake. Pass Cedar Lodge, cross the bridge. Just past Bon Echo Family Campsites (1.0 km from Hwy 41) turn left onto Shabomeka Lake Road for 5.7 km to a short causeway, where Shawenegog Lake Lane begins. After 0.4 km turn left into driveway 1067 marked PEARCE 22/23/EKELI (Norwegian for 'Sheltering Oaks'). The pathhead is 1067B.
Please DO NOT use skinny Nordic skis on the paths.
It’s important to understand the vast difference between ski touring (ungroomed) and Nordic (groomed) skiing in terms of conditions, equipment, and technique. Ski touring tracks LOOK like grooves, but are really raised rails, as the only packed snow is directly under the skis. A ski travelling only a centimetre or two off the centre of the ‘rail’ will fall off into the soft snow on either side, effectively destroying the track for others, as well as wrecking the skier’s own enjoyment. Touring skis are wide because that makes them effective in soft snow. Nordic skis are very narrow to operate most efficiently in hard grooves, or packed snow for ‘skating’. There is no incentive in Nordic skiing to learn to glide the skis exactly parallel to each other because they HAVE to go parallel in the machine made tracks. Thus, Nordic skiers find it impossible to stay on touring tracks/rails with their skinny skis, and very difficult even when they use wide skis. Nordic skiers also find the 5 cm spacing between ski touring tracks awkward, as they are used to the crotch-splitting 20 cm spacing of machine-made tracks.
The essence of ski touring is tip and edge control, two factors pretty much missing in Nordic skiing. Ski paths, especially after a thaw, consist of many small to large moguls. Every time the centre of the ski goes over the apex of a mogul it will want to pivot. Only constant precise positioning of the tip by ankle and knee will prevent the ski from pivoting off the track. Similarly, the varying texture of the snow will make the ski want to cant and slide instantly off the track. Again, only ankle and knee edge control can counter this. The paths are not groomed, and since you won’t be able to count on another skier preceding you to lay a track, you’ll have to assume you’ll be breaking your own track. A FLAT and EVEN track, that is, as a courtesy to those who follow. This is when having learned to parallel glide becomes very important. Developing this skill will take a lot of practice, but it’s worth it. Practise gliding rather than clomping around flat curves, and telemarking on all downhill curves.
Touring skis should be from 60 mm to 75 mm wide. They’re light, extremely stable, and will break track all day long. Check out ski sales. Wide, unfashionable skis are generally the ones being sold off at very low prices. The only way to decide between ‘wax’ and ‘waxless’ (neither being perfect) is to try each. Waxed skis and technique can almost eliminate ‘herringboning’ up hills. Poly-soled skis are good for both early or late in the season because of their abrasion resistance. The classic type of 3-pin Nordic Norm binding works best for ski touring. The standard ‘armpit’ pole length is fine, especially for deeper snow, but baskets should be at least 100 mm in diameter.
For ski touring, clothing ‘fashion’ is obviously not a big factor, as there are not a lot of people out there to impress. Wear the outdoor clothes you feel most comfortable in. Don’t forget to dress in layers that you can remove when you get too warm, as in hiking and cycling. A small knapsack will hold discarded jackets, sweaters, and gloves, as well as your waxes, compass, matches, lunch, drinks, and an indispensable tool: a small hand windshield scraper to get frozen slush off the bottom of your skis, and packed snow from under your boots.
Please DO NOT use snowshoes on the paths. Snowshoes aren’t quite as destructive as that ski touring nemesis – the cursed snowmobile, but they do ruin the ski touring experience.
I am sad to report that the creator of this trail network and founder of The Shabomeka Legpower Pathfinders, Glen Pearce, passed away this past winter. His obituary is here:
The trails he created are a testament to his vision, enduring dedication and love for the outdoors.
Primary Trail Type: Cross-Country
AKA: Shabomeka Legpower Pathfinders
Land Status: Crown Land

Access Info:
The entrance to trail #1A is a good parking spot and good access point to some of the more moderate trails. Turtle Beach, 1km east of trail 1A on the north side of Shawenagog Lake Lane is another great option and is just past the entrance to 1B (gravel road).
Shabomeka LEGPOWER Pathfinders Vice-President Greg Alexander has fully reflectorized sLp path # 10 for night hiking, biking, or ski touring.
- Map.pdf (648 KB)
- sLp_guide_12.doc (67 KB)
- sLp_map_back.doc (30 KB)
- sLp_path_lengths.doc (58 KB)
Activities Click to view
- Mountain Bike
63 trails
- Hike
63 trails
- Trail Running
63 trails
Region Details
- 3
- 3
- 33
- 24
Region Status
Caution as of Oct 19, 2024Stats
- Avg Trail Rating
- Trails (view details)
- 63
- Trails Mountain Bike
- 63
- Trails Hike
- 63
- Trails Trail Running
- 63
- Trails Snowshoe
- 1
- Trails Nordic Ski
- 1
- Total Distance
- 30 miles
- Total Descent
- 2,685 ft
- Total Vertical
- 242 ft
- Highest Trailhead
- 1,137 ft
- Reports
- 157
- Photos
- 52
- Ridden Counter
- 652
Popular Shabomeka Lake Mountain Biking Trails
Shabomeka Lake Mountain Bike Routes
title | rating | distance |
Bon Echo 1 14 km 4-hour ride | 9 miles | |
SLP | 14 miles |
Photos of Shabomeka Lake Mountain Bike
trail: SLP #6C
12 |
Sep 17, 2024 @ 7:25am
Sep 17, 2024
trail: SLP #6C
13 |
Sep 17, 2024 @ 7:25am
Sep 17, 2024
trail: SLP#6
24 | | 1 comments
Jul 23, 2024 @ 6:53pm
Jul 23, 2024
trail: SLP #5A Portal to 1A
58 |
Sep 11, 2023 @ 3:50am
Sep 11, 2023
trail: SLP #2
50 |
Sep 8, 2023 @ 5:24pm
Sep 8, 2023
trail: SLP #6A Greg Gulch
67 |
Aug 7, 2023 @ 10:16am
Aug 7, 2023
trail: SLP #1B Sand Pit Access
57 |
Jul 21, 2023 @ 7:34am
Jul 21, 2023Recent Trail Reports
status | trail | date | condition | info | user |
SLP #3C Entrance | Oct 19, 2024 @ 2:48pm Oct 19, 2024 | Ideal | Ktown_Canuck | ||
SLP #3B Beaver Dam Beauty | Aug 11, 2024 @ 7:52am Aug 11, 2024 | Variable | Ktown_Canuck | ||
SLP #3A Levere's Access | Aug 11, 2024 @ 7:52am Aug 11, 2024 | Variable | Ktown_Canuck | ||
SLP #5C | Aug 7, 2024 @ 6:37pm Aug 7, 2024 | Dry | deleenhe SLP | ||
SLP #5 | Aug 7, 2024 @ 6:36pm Aug 7, 2024 | Ideal | deleenhe SLP | ||
SLP #3 Sand Pit Shortcut | Aug 6, 2024 @ 4:40pm Aug 6, 2024 | Ideal | deleenhe SLP | ||
SLP Box Canyon Bypass | Aug 6, 2024 @ 4:39pm Aug 6, 2024 | Ideal | deleenhe SLP | ||
SLP #2G Erratic Valley | Aug 6, 2024 @ 4:34pm Aug 6, 2024 | Dry | deleenhe SLP | ||
SLP #2B Box Canyon Falls | Aug 6, 2024 @ 4:33pm Aug 6, 2024 | Dry | deleenhe SLP | ||
SLP Pine Sifting | Jul 23, 2024 @ 6:42pm Jul 23, 2024 | Variable | deleenhe SLP |
Activity Feed
username | action | type | title | date |
mattyemtb | wishlist | region | activity #61902702 | Nov 16, 2024 @ 6:11pm Nov 16, 2024 |
Ktown_Canuck | add | report | activity #60666863 | Oct 19, 2024 @ 2:48pm Oct 19, 2024 |
Ktown_Canuck | ridden | trail | activity #60666827 | Oct 19, 2024 @ 2:46pm Oct 19, 2024 |
mjs | vote | trail | activity #59152004 | Sep 19, 2024 @ 2:35pm Sep 19, 2024 |
mjs | add | trail | activity #59146142 and 2 more | Sep 19, 2024 @ 12:23pm Sep 19, 2024 |
Recent Comments
username | type | title | comment | date |
trail | Well marked with rocks. Large tree fallen... | Sep 15, 2024 @ 3:21pm Sep 15, 2024 | ||
trail | missing the gps data | Jul 25, 2023 @ 6:40pm Jul 25, 2023 | ||
trail | Ok trail to gain access to the good stuff.... | Sep 8, 2020 @ 8:20am Sep 8, 2020 | ||
trail | Some land rock scapes worthy of a manicured... | Sep 8, 2020 @ 8:18am Sep 8, 2020 | ||
report | You can enter on trail 3C or on the gravel... | Jul 24, 2019 @ 1:51pm Jul 24, 2019 |
Nearby Areas
name | distance | ||||
Bon Echo Provincial Park | 4.7 km | ||||
Lennox & Addington Forest | 7 | 6 | 14.2 km | ||
Puzzle Lake Provincial Park | 1 | 22.2 km | |||
Scotch Settlement | 1 | 30 km | |||
Manitou Mountain | 2 | 16 | 5 | 30.7 km |
Local Badges
Completionist0 awarded
Activity Type Stats
activitytype | trails | distance | descent | descent distance | total vertical | rating | global rank | state rank | photos | reports | routes | ridelogs |
Mountain Bike | 63 | 30 miles | 2,684 ft | 10 miles | 243 ft | #7,590 | #173 | 52 | 157 | 2 | 173 | |
Hike | 63 | 30 miles | 2,684 ft | 10 miles | 243 ft | #6,603 | #169 | 157 | 105 | |||
Trail Running | 63 | 30 miles | 2,684 ft | 10 miles | 243 ft | #6,591 | #169 | 157 | 12 | |||
Snowshoe | 1 | 2 miles | 177 ft | 3,333 ft | 131 ft | 1 | ||||||
Nordic Ski | 1 | 2 miles | 177 ft | 3,333 ft | 131 ft | 1 |
- By deleenhe
SLP & contributors
- Admins: SLP
- #10898 - 22,082 views
- shabomeka lake activity log | embed map of Shabomeka Lake mountain bike trails | shabomeka lake mountain biking points of interest
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