Trail Conditions
  • Unknown
  • Snow Groomed
  • Snow Packed
  • Snow Covered
  • Snow Cover Partial
  • Freeze/thaw Cycle
  • Icy
  • Prevalent Mud
  • Wet
  • Variable
  • Ideal
  • Dry
  • Very Dry
Trail Flow (Ridden Direction)
Trailforks scans users ridelogs to determine the most popular direction each trail is ridden. A good flowing trail network will have most trails flowing in a single direction according to their intension.
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
  • > 96%
  • > 90%
  • > 80%
  • > 70%
  • > 50%
  • < 50%
  • bi-directional trail
  • no data
Trail Last Ridden
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine the last time a trail was ridden.
  • < 2 days
  • < 1 week
  • < 2 weeks
  • < 1 month
  • < 6 months
  • > 6 months
Trail Ridden Direction
The intended direction a trail should be ridden.
  • Downhill Only
  • Downhill Primary
  • Both Directions
  • Uphill Primary
  • Uphill Only
  • One Direction
Contribute Details
Colors indicate trail is missing specified detail.
  • Description
  • Photos
  • Description & Photos
  • Videos
Trail Popularity ?
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine which trails are ridden the most in the last 9 months. Trails are compared with nearby trails in the same city region with a possible 25 colour shades. Think of this as a heatmap, more rides = more kinetic energy = warmer colors.
  • most popular
  • popular
  • less popular
  • not popular
Max Vehicle Width
US Cell Coverage
cell carrier legend

Radar Time
x Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public ridelogs from the past 6 months.
  • mountain biking recent
  • mountain biking (>6 month)
  • hiking (1 year)
  • moto (1 year)
Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public skilogs from the past 12 months.
  • Downhill Ski
  • Backcountry Ski
  • Nordic Ski
  • Snowmobile
Winter Trails
Warning A routing network for winter maps does not exist. Selecting trails using the winter trails layer has been disabled.
x Missing Trails
Most Popular
Least Popular
Trails are colored based on popularity. The more popular a trail is, the more red. Less popular trails trend towards green.
Jump Magnitude Heatmap
Heatmap of where riders jump on trails. Zoom in to see individual jumps, click circles to view jump details.
Trails Deemphasized
Trails are shown in grey.
Only show trails with NO bikes.

Save the current map location and zoom level as your default home location whenever this page is loaded.

      Cyclists entering the Arboretum grounds must stop at the Gatehouse to show their guest ticket or physical or digital membership card. Admission tickets are not available for purchase on-site. Cyclists without admission or membership cards will be turned away.
      Bike on paved roads only (marked with bicycle icons) to help protect the plant collections and natural areas.
      Bicycles are not allowed on paved walking paths, wood-chipped trails, service roads, off-road “cross-country,” or in Arbor Court adjacent to the Visitor Center.
      View region descriptions for other activity types
      The Arboretum offers something for everyone in an unforgettable, tree-filled setting.
      The mission of The Morton Arboretum is to collect and study trees, shrubs, and other plants from around the world, to display them across naturally beautiful landscapes for people to study and enjoy, and to learn how to grow them in ways that enhance the environment. Its goal is to encourage the planting and conservation of trees and other plants for a greener, healthier, and more beautiful world.
      The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) designated the Morton Arboretum as its Center for Species Survival: Trees, to study and promote the conservation and restoration of global tree ecosystems and strategies for species survival.

      Mountain Bike
      Cyclists entering the Arboretum grounds must stop at the Gatehouse to show their guest ticket or physical or digital membership card. Admission tickets are not available for purchase on-site. Cyclists without admission or membership cards will be turned away.
      Bike on paved roads only (marked with bicycle icons) to help protect the plant collections and natural areas.
      Bicycles are not allowed on paved walking paths, wood-chipped trails, service roads, off-road “cross-country,” or in Arbor Court adjacent to the Visitor Center.

      Hike 16 miles of well-tended, mulched, pedestrian-only trails that let you wander safely among scenic vistas, deep woods, prairies, and wetlands. Walk at a leisurely pace on a paved path around Meadow Lake. Explore the various trails that take you through the East Side and West Side. Venture deep into the woodlands on Heritage Trail, a trail that starts at Parking Lot 13 and takes you to Big Rock, a 14-ton granite boulder.

      Many visitors prefer to see the grounds by hiking because it lets them experience nature up close, in new and intimate ways.

      Trail Running
      Countless runners take advantage of the nine miles of scenic paved roads that wind through the West and East Side, creating a beautiful running course. The most common run loops are the outer 4.5-mile loop on the East Side and the 2.9-mile loop around the outer West Side.

      Running is allowed on the roadways, although only walkers are permitted on trails. Please travel against the flow of car traffic, and keep as far right on the road (in your direction of travel) as possible. A map with distances is available at the Visitor Center information desk if you have questions about the Arboretum’s roadways.

      When running with a group, please keep your group no more than two runners wide.

      Runners may change clothes in the West Pavillion and are free to use the restrooms, as well as purchase water and food in the Visitor Center. Please note that lockers are not available for public use and runners should be prepared to secure their belongings.

      Cross-country ski and snowshoe rentals are available when there are four or more inches of snow on a first come, first served basis. Visitors are welcome to bring their own cross-country skis or snowshoes when there are four or more inches of snow prior to the start of ski and snowshoe rental season.

      Trails are marked, and groomed as snowfall permits. Please see the map for scenic trail routes. Admission to the Arboretum does not guarantee equipment availability. Payment for skis is by credit card only,
      Rentals (credit card only)


      Adults – $15 members/$17 guests
      Children – (Ages 10 and younger) $13 members/$15 guests

      Nordic Ski
      Cross-country ski and snowshoe rentals are available when there are four or more inches of snow on a first come, first served basis. Visitors are welcome to bring their own cross-country skis or snowshoes when there are four or more inches of snow prior to the start of ski and snowshoe rental season.

      Trails are marked, and groomed as snowfall permits. Please see the map for scenic trail routes. Admission to the Arboretum does not guarantee equipment availability. Payment for skis is by credit card only,
      Rentals (credit card only)

      Cross-country skis (includes boots and poles) for 2-hour rental:

      $20 member/$22 guest (costs apply to adults and children)

      P11 Parking google parking directions
      Activities Click to view
      Region Details
      • 15

      Region Status
      Open as of May 16, 2024


      Trails (view details)
      Trails Mountain Bike
      Trails E-Bike
      Trails Hike
      Trails Trail Running
      Trails Nordic Ski
      Total Distance
      43 miles
      Total Descent Distance
      14 miles
      Total Descent
      1,891 ft
      Total Vertical
      116 ft
      Highest Trailhead
      784 ft
      Ridden Counter

      Recent Ride Log Activity in Region

      • 0 rides
      • 0 rides
      Past Week
      • 0 rides

      Recent Trail Reports

      no previous reports, add one now!

      Activity Feed

      dkkerraddreportactivity #52696460 and 11 more
      May 16, 2024 @ 3:20pm
      May 16, 2024
      PlumbBobMaddpoiactivity #44260198 and 17 more
      Sep 18, 2023 @ 12:44pm
      Sep 18, 2023
      PlumbBobMaddtrailactivity #44249438 and 6 more
      Sep 18, 2023 @ 4:49am
      Sep 18, 2023
      PlumbBobMaddpoiactivity #44247768 and 17 more
      Sep 18, 2023 @ 4:00am
      Sep 18, 2023
      PlumbBobMaddtrailactivity #44179488
      Sep 16, 2023 @ 1:01pm
      Sep 16, 2023

      Nearby Areas

      Hidden Lake0.7 km
      Community Park 11.9 km
      Briar Patch Park2.1 km
      Danada South Park2.6 km
      Maple Grove 22.7 km

      Activity Type Stats

      activitytypetrailsdistancedescentdescent distancetotal verticalratingglobal rankstate rankphotosreportsroutesridelogs
      Mountain Bike5213 miles554 ft4 miles108 ft
      E-Bike5213 miles554 ft4 miles108 ft
      Hike16040 miles1,801 ft13 miles115 ft
      Trail Running5012 miles554 ft4 miles108 ft
      Nordic Ski43 miles92 ft1 mile72 ft

      Downloading of trail gps tracks in kml & gpx formats is enabled for The Morton Arboretum.
      You must login to download files.