This tool is still under development and only partially functional. Currently it will only replace activities that already exist on your Trailforks account with data from your Strava archive export ZIP.
You can use this tool to replace Strava API data with your personal archive of FIT & GPX data, so your activities can be made public and regain full functionality.
Steps To Import Strava Archive
Login to Trailforkslogin
Export Archive From Strava
- Log into your account on website
- Hover over your name in the upper right-hand corner of the Strava page. Goto your "Settings," then find the "My Account" tab from the menu listed on the Left.
- Select the "Get Started" button under the "Download or Delete Your Account." section.
- Select "Request your archive" on the next page.
- You will receive an email with a link to download your data (this may take a few hours.) It's important that you have access to the email account attached to your Strava profile.
Prepare the Data
You Strava archive ZIP can be very large, it contains all your Strava data including photos & video. Trailforks cannot process such large files. So you need to do some preparation to reduce the size of the file, this requires some soft computer skills.
- Unzip the Strava archive ZIP file on your computer.
- Locate the "activities" folder inside the unzipped folder.
- Remove any files from the "activities" folder that you do not want to import into Trailforks (optional).
- Locate the "activities.csv" file, you will need this.
- Zip the "activities" folder and "activities.csv" file together into a new ZIP file.
We will use the "activities.csv" to guide the import process and extract the original FIT & GPX files from the "activities" folder.
Upload Strava Archive ZIP File
This file needs to be a .ZIP with an activities.csv file and a folder named "activities" containing the original FIT & GPX files.
Upload ZIP File -
Import & Replace Activities
Currently this tool will only replace activities that already exist on your Trailforks account.
Import Data
The current privacy settings of the activities will be preserved.