2.4 miles
1,280 ft
-1,254 ft
1,599 ft
High Point

What we are proposing is a relatively short but challenging loop-like trail given the steepness of the terrain. The difficulty is however rewarded by the wonderful views overlooking the ravine. The view is breathtaking but not suitable for those suffering from vertigo and not definitely recommended for children as there are unprotected sections.
We advise you, after having parked in one of the parking lots of Riva di Solto, to go down to the village from the square “Piazza del Porto” and walk along the lakefront in the direction of the parish church. Continue walking until you reach Giardino Zenti then a promenade of olive trees which will help you understand the reason behind the nomenclature. When you find yourself no longer walking on the local marble extracted from the quarries of Grè (Solto Collina) you will be near bögn. Go straight on what was the old lake road, built in 1910 at the behest of the then mayor Martinoni; currently replaced by a vehicle transit tunnel that is on your left. After passing the natural amphitheatre of bögn you will enter a small tunnel exiting in the inlet of bögn letting you admire nature’s spectacle, an ancient natural commercial port. Do stop on the bridge to admire the slabs that characterize our place. Here in summer it is not uncommon to find fearless divers who you will see jumping into the Sebino directly from the former road.
Continuing you will reach the end of the traffic-free zone of bögn where you will find a small beach that is sunny mainly in the morning. Here, you should be very careful, you will have to continue along the roadway until you notice a small sanctuary on your left. Our ascent, on the path, starts right next to it. Climb up the steep path which is initially immersed in the vegetation, always keeping to the left. You will soon see numerous beautiful viewpoints. When you finish climbing you will come out on path 565 that the locals call “the overview” (“la panoramica”). From here you will have to go left, passing by a shed and then a picnic table where you can stop for a moment, if you wish. The great ascent is over, now you will begin descending to return to the village along the other side of the ravine. Going forward after the bench you will come across a tarmacked road (Via Apostoli). Turning left you will take the tarmacked descent which, after two hairpin bends, has a path lined with vegetation on the left. Taking it you will pass the upstream town of Zorzino keep going until you reach a small stretch of disconnected concrete. Just 100 metres later you will find on your left a grassy road descending alongside the ravine, taking you back to the olive trees promenade after a few steps and a bit of pavement. From here you can safely return to the village.

Detailed Description
Alla scoperta del Bogn is a 2 mile less popular intermediate route located near Solto Collina. This trail running primary route can be used one direction and has a hard overall physical rating. This route climbs 1,280 ft with a max elevation of 1,599 ft then descends -1,254 ft.
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  • Riding area
  • Primary Activity
    Trail Running
  • Other Activities
    • Hike
  • Difficulty rating
  • Route Type
    Out & Back
  • Direction
    One Direction
  • Physical rating
More Stats for Alla scoperta del Bogn mountain bike route
  • Altitude min
    621 ft
  • Altitude start
    633 ft
  • Altitude end
    659 ft
  • Grade
  • Grade max
  • Grade min
  • Distance climb
    4,944 ft
  • Distance down
    1 mile
  • Distance flat
    614 ft
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  • #46986 - 48 views