View this route on your smartphone or tablet by downloading the Arkansas region for offline use.
Download AppFor easy access to the route in the app add it to your wishlist. Access your wishlisted routes from the "My Routes" page in the app.
If you're viewing this page on your phone and have the app installed, click this button to open the route in the app.
Open route in mobile appDownload the routes GPS points to a GPX file you can manually load on a GPS device or a KML file you can view in Google Earth.
NOTICE: All data, text, and works are property of Trailforks. Any download is for personal use only.
If you are using the data anywhere public attribution to Trailforks must be displayed. This data cannot be used in commercial products or services without Trailforks consent.
Please refer to the Trailforks Data Use Policy
You must create an account and login to download GPX & KML files of routes.
Some regions allow downloading a GPX, KML or OSM file containing all the trails in a region. Contact us if you require access to download all the trails in a region.
If you are a city or contractor that requires trail GPS data for a region there may be a cost to use and download the data.
Download Limits
- Trailforks Pro subscription is required.
- 20 downloads per day with a limit of 500.
Garmin App for Edge Devices
Trailforks has a Garmin Connect IQ App available on newer Edge devices such as the 520, 820, 1000 & 1030.
Add this route to your wishlist and it will appear in the Garmin app's "My Routes" section at the top of the list. Here you can then load the route into the Garmins navigation system and get turn-by-turn directions as you ride.

Trailforks has an advanced print tool allowing users to select an area of the map to export as high resolution imagary.
Access to higher resolution formats and vector data is restricted, otherwise you may still create normal raster (png/jpg) images.
If you are with a trail association or race organizer contact us for full access to the print tool.
Print Map ToolAlternatively view the routes print friendly page you can print with a summary of route details.
We also have the following special pages to help print some outher route details.
- Print route elevation chart

Generate a QR Code for this route. The QR Code opens a special Trailforks URL. If the user has the Trailforks mobile app installed it will open the detail page in the app.
Customize QR Code