Continental Ciclobrava sums up Girona very well. The start and finish will be located at the Sea Otter entrance, on Avinguda Xavier Cugat, and the route takes in a training section with small climbs, the safety provided by roads with little traffic (where the professionals living in Girona train) and new landscapes for tour cyclists, as they ride between two opposing terrains: the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean Sea.
We offer three routes, one a more demanding 140 kilometres course with 1,750D+, although it is not extreme, as the intention is that Ciclobrava tour cyclists share their time between visiting the biggest bicycle fair in Europe and cycling
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More Stats for Continental Ciclobrava - 140Km mountain bike route
Altitude change-2 ft
Altitude min27 ft
Altitude start253 ft
Altitude end249 ft
Grade max-44.2%
Grade min49.5%
Distance climb41 miles
Distance down39 miles
Distance flat11 miles
- Unknown
- Snow Groomed
- Snow Packed
- Snow Covered
- Snow Cover Partial
- Freeze/thaw Cycle
- Icy
- Prevalent Mud
- Wet
- Variable
- Ideal
- Dry
- Very Dry
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
- > 96%
- > 90%
- > 80%
- > 70%
- > 50%
- < 50%
- bi-directional trail
- no data
- < 2 days
- < 1 week
- < 2 weeks
- < 1 month
- < 6 months
- > 6 months
- Downhill Only
- Downhill Primary
- Both Directions
- Uphill Primary
- Uphill Only
- One Direction
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- Description & Photos
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- less popular
- not popular
- mountain biking recent
- mountain biking (>6 month)
- hiking (1 year)
- moto (1 year)
- Downhill Ski
- Backcountry Ski
- Nordic Ski
- Snowmobile
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