Ruta que ens porta a un dels cims més emblemàtics del municipi de Tremp: Pui de Lleràs (1691m.) o Pleta Verda com diuen els pallaresos. La pujada principal es fa per carretera i pista, son uns 1200m/d+ i uns 25kms. ( Hi ha servei de Taxi fins a Sta. Engràcia). Arribant al cim trobareu la barrera que barra el pas als cotxes però no a les bicicletes. Al cim gaudireu de bones vistes 360º.
La baixada primer per pista fins enllaçar el recentment recuperat trail del Serrat de les Coves o la Serreta. Es un sender de terreny conglomerat amb algun pas complicat però que els més habilidosos baixaran sense problemes tret d'aquests punts el sender es agradable i amb bones vistes. Un cop al poble de Rivert carreguem aigua a la Font d'Amont per enfilar el sender que ens portarà al bosc de Salàs i després pista fins a Sta. Engràcia. La baixada cap a Tremp la farem pel classic Sta Engracia DH, Un trail divertit i força pedregós que ens portarà a la part baixa del Sílex on hem passat anteriorment. Després seguirem per les Ínsules vora el Riu fins arribar a Tremp.
Esp: Ruta que nos lleva a una de las cumbres mas emblemáticas del municipio de Tremp: Pui de Lleras (1691m) o Pleta Verda como le llaman la gente del Pallars. La subida principal es por carretera y pista, son unos 1200m/d+ i 25kms ( Hay servicio de taxi hasta Sta. Engracia) Llegando a la cumbre encontraremos una barrera que corta el paso a los coches pero no a las bicis. Arriba disfrutareis de buenas vistas 360º.
La bajada empieza por pista hasta enlazar con el recien recuperado trail del Serrat de les Coves o la Serreta. Es un trail de terreno conglomerado con algun paso complicado que los mas habilidosos no tendran problema en superar. A parte de estos puntos concretos el sendero es agradable y con muy buenas vistas. Una vez en el pueblo de Rivert podemos coger agua en la Font d'Amont para dirigirnos al sendero que nos lleva al bosque de Salàs i luego a la pista de Sta Engracia. La bajada a Tremp será por el clasico Sta Engracia DH. Un trail divertido y con mucha piedra que nos enlaza con la parte baja del Sílex que hemos pasado anteriormente. Para finalizar seguiremos por el Insules trail cerca del rio Noguera hasta Tremp.
Web de Lo Podall donde hay el contacto del servicio de Taxi.
Local Trail Association
Associació Lo Podall ( Reviews & Comments
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Trails in Route
1 mile | |||||
2,740 ft | |||||
233 ft | |||||
413 ft | |||||
4,393 ft | |||||
1,870 ft | |||||
2,726 ft | |||||
5 miles | |||||
2 miles | |||||
1 mile | |||||
3 miles | |||||
741 ft |
Riding area
Primary ActivityMountain Bike
Other Activities
- E-Bike
Difficulty ratingBlack
Route TypeLoop
eBike Allowed
Bike typeAM, XC
DirectionOne Direction
Physical ratingHard
More Stats for Pleta Verda High Line mountain bike route
Avg time5 hr 46 min
Altitude min1,384 ft
Altitude start1,534 ft
Altitude end1,532 ft
Grade max-72.5%
Grade min56%
Distance climb16 miles
Distance down11 miles
Distance flat2 miles
- Walk west.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk northeast.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk northeast.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk northwest on Passeig del Joncar.
- Continue for 30 meters.
- Walk northeast on Carrer de Montllobar.
- Continue for 400 meters.
- Walk northeast on Carrer de Montllobar.
- Continue for 30 meters.
- Walk west on Tendrui.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk west on Tendrui.
- Continue for 500 meters.
- Walk northwest on Tendrui.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Keep right to stay on Tendrui.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk northeast on Tendrui.
- Continue for 700 meters.
- Walk northeast on Sabarissos Connection.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk north on Sabarissos Connection.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Keep right to stay on Sabarissos Connection.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk northeast on Sabarissos Connection.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk east on Talarn pels Horts.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk east on Talarn pels Horts.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk west on Talarn pels Horts.
- Continue for 700 meters.
- Turn left onto Fems i Sabarissos.
- Continue for less than 10 meters.
- Bear left to stay on Fems i Sabarissos.
- Continue for 500 meters.
- Turn left onto Sabarissos - Talarn.
- Continue for 1 kilometer.
- Turn left onto plaça Anna Maria Janer.
- Continue for 60 meters.
- Bear right onto carrer de la Mota.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Turn left onto carrer de la Font de Caps.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk northwest on Cami de Sallent.
- Continue for 50 meters.
- Walk southeast on Cami de Sallent.
- Continue for 60 meters.
- Walk northwest on Cami de Sallent.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk northwest on Cami de Sallent.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk northeast on Cami de Sallent.
- Continue for 50 meters.
- Walk east on Variant de l'Esperó.
- Continue for 50 meters.
- Walk northeast on Variant de l'Esperó.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk north on Sílex.
- Continue for 90 meters.
- Walk northeast on Sílex.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk northwest on Sílex.
- Continue for 50 meters.
- Walk northeast on Sílex.
- Continue for 20 meters.
- Turn right to stay on Sílex.
- Continue for 30 meters.
- Walk east on Sílex.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk east on Sílex.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk east on Sílex.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk south on Sílex.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk southeast on Sílex.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk southeast on Sortida del Sílex.
- Continue for 80 meters.
- Walk northwest on Pujada a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 80 meters.
- Walk northwest on Pujada a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 1.5 kilometers.
- Turn right onto Drecera a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk northwest on Drecera a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk northwest on Drecera a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 90 meters.
- Walk southwest on Pujada a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for less than 10 meters.
- Walk northwest on Drecera a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 30 meters.
- Walk northwest on Drecera a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 30 meters.
- Walk northeast on Pujada a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 10 meters.
- Walk northeast on Pujada a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 30 meters.
- Walk east on Pujada a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 90 meters.
- Walk southeast on Pujada a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 1 kilometer.
- Walk northwest on Pujada a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 1 kilometer.
- Walk northwest on Pujada a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 900 meters.
- Walk northwest on Pujada a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 500 meters.
- Walk northeast on Pujada a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 1.5 kilometers.
- Walk northwest on Pujada a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 800 meters.
- Walk northwest on Pujada a Sta Engracia.
- Continue for 1 kilometer.
- Turn right onto Sta Engracia - Cresta de St Pere.
- Continue for 400 meters.
- Walk north on Sta Engracia - Cresta de St Pere.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Keep left to take Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 400 meters.
- Walk southwest on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 500 meters.
- Walk northwest on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 400 meters.
- Walk northwest on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 400 meters.
- Walk southeast on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk northwest on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 1 kilometer.
- Walk north on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 1 kilometer.
- Walk northwest on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 1 kilometer.
- Walk west on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 1 kilometer.
- Walk west on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk east on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 400 meters.
- Walk east on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 60 meters.
- Turn left to stay on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk northeast on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 600 meters.
- Walk north on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 40 meters.
- Walk northeast on Variant Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk east on Variant Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 400 meters.
- Walk northeast on Variant Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk south on Pista Salas - Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 60 meters.
- Walk east on Pista Salas - Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk east on Pista Salas - Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk southeast on Pista Salas - Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 400 meters.
- Walk south on Pista Salas - Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk southeast on Pista Salas - Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk southeast on Pista Salas - Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk north on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 30 meters.
- Walk south on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk southeast on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk southeast on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk southeast on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk southeast on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk east on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk east on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk east on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 90 meters.
- Walk east on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk southeast on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk southeast on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk south on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 800 meters.
- Walk east on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 1 kilometer.
- Walk west on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 60 meters.
- Walk south on Serrat de les Coves.
- Continue for 20 meters.
- Bear right onto Sta Engràcia-Rivert.
- Continue for 90 meters.
- Walk southwest on Sta Engràcia-Rivert.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk southeast on Sta Engràcia-Rivert.
- Continue for 400 meters.
- Walk southwest on Sta Engràcia-Rivert.
- Continue for 400 meters.
- Walk south on Sta Engràcia-Rivert.
- Continue for 900 meters.
- Walk west on Pista bosc de Salàs.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk west on Pista bosc de Salàs.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk west on Pista bosc de Salàs.
- Continue for 400 meters.
- Walk west on Pista bosc de Salàs.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk south on Pista bosc de Salàs.
- Continue for 500 meters.
- Walk north on Pista bosc de Salàs.
- Continue for 700 meters.
- Turn left onto Font Freda.
- Continue for 2 kilometers.
- Turn left onto Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 900 meters.
- Turn right onto Cami Vell a Castellet.
- Continue for 700 meters.
- Bear right to stay on Cami Vell a Castellet.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Bear left onto Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 1 kilometer.
- Make a sharp left onto Sta Engracia - Cresta de St Pere.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk south on Sta Engracia - Cresta de St Pere.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk southwest on Sta Engracia - Cresta de St Pere.
- Continue for 500 meters.
- Walk south on Sta Engracia - Cresta de St Pere.
- Continue for 900 meters.
- Walk north on Sta Engracia - Cresta de St Pere.
- Continue for 700 meters.
- Keep right to stay on Sta Engracia - Cresta de St Pere.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk south on Sta Engracia - Cresta de St Pere.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk south on Sta Engracia - Cresta de St Pere.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk north on Pujada Pleta Verda.
- Continue for 900 meters.
- Make a sharp left onto Cami Vell a Castellet.
- Continue for 700 meters.
- Make a sharp left onto Sta Engracia - Cresta de St Pere.
- Continue for 600 meters.
- Walk west on Sta. Engracia clàssic.
- Continue for 80 meters.
- Walk west on Sta. Engracia clàssic.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk south on Sta. Engracia clàssic.
- Continue for 30 meters.
- Walk south on Sta. Engracia clàssic.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk south on Sta. Engracia clàssic.
- Continue for 400 meters.
- Walk southeast on Sta. Engracia clàssic.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk southeast on Sta. Engracia clàssic.
- Continue for 500 meters.
- Walk south on Sta. Engracia clàssic.
- Continue for 800 meters.
- Walk southeast on Sta. Engracia clàssic.
- Continue for 800 meters.
- Walk southeast on Sta. Engracia clàssic.
- Continue for 900 meters.
- Walk southeast on Sta. Engracia clàssic.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk southwest on Under C13.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk southwest on Under C13.
- Continue for 70 meters.
- Walk southeast on Under C13.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk southeast on Under C13.
- Continue for 40 meters.
- Walk west on Ínsules trails.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk southwest on Ínsules trails.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk south on Ínsules trails.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk northwest on Ínsules trails.
- Continue for 500 meters.
- Walk south on Ínsules trails.
- Continue for 700 meters.
- Walk southeast on Ínsules trails.
- Continue for 300 meters.
- Walk southwest on C-1412b.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk southwest on C-1412b.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Walk southwest on Avinguda de l'Alcalde Altisent.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk southwest on Avinguda de l'Alcalde Altisent.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk west on Avinguda de l'Alcalde Altisent.
- Continue for 90 meters.
- Walk west on Avinguda de l'Alcalde Altisent.
- Continue for 200 meters.
- Bear right onto Plaça dels Països Catalans.
- Continue for 20 meters.
- Turn left to stay on Plaça dels Països Catalans.
- Continue for 20 meters.
- Turn right onto Carrer de Tarragona.
- Continue for 90 meters.
- Walk northwest on carrer de Tarragona.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Walk southwest on carrer de Lleida.
- Continue for 100 meters.
- Unknown
- Snow Groomed
- Snow Packed
- Snow Covered
- Snow Cover Partial
- Freeze/thaw Cycle
- Icy
- Prevalent Mud
- Wet
- Variable
- Ideal
- Dry
- Very Dry
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
- > 96%
- > 90%
- > 80%
- > 70%
- > 50%
- < 50%
- bi-directional trail
- no data
- < 2 days
- < 1 week
- < 2 weeks
- < 1 month
- < 6 months
- > 6 months
- Downhill Only
- Downhill Primary
- Both Directions
- Uphill Primary
- Uphill Only
- One Direction
- Description
- Photos
- Description & Photos
- Videos
- most popular
- popular
- less popular
- not popular
- mountain biking recent
- mountain biking (>6 month)
- hiking (1 year)
- moto (1 year)
- Downhill Ski
- Backcountry Ski
- Nordic Ski
- Snowmobile
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