46.4 miles
7,673 ft
-7,693 ft
3,049 ft
High Point

Ruta que combina diferents zones de Territori Lo Podall, passant per alguns dels trails més emblemàtics. Vigileu en dies humits perquè passa per terreny argilós, sobre tot la primera part de la ruta. Trobareu aigua als pobles, passem per Talarn i molt a prop de Vilamitjana on val la pena desviar-se de la ruta per avituallar-nos.
ESP: Ruta que combina distintas zonas de Territori Lo Podall, pasando por algunos de los trails más emblemáticos. Ojo los dias húmedos o lluviosos porque pasamos por terreno arcilloso, sobre todo la primera parte de la ruta. Encontrareis agua en los pueblos, pasaremos por Talarn y muy cerca de Vilamitjana donde vale la pena avituallarse.

Detailed Description
Territori XL is a 46 mile popular red route located near Tremp. This mountain bike primary route can be used one direction and has a hard overall physical rating. This route includes 36 trails. This route climbs 7,673 ft with a max elevation of 3,049 ft then descends -7,693 ft.
Local Trail Association
Local trail association
Associació Lo Podall (www.tremp.cat)
Please consider joining or donating to the local riding association to support trail development & maintenance.
donate to earn trail karma!

73 Reviews & Comments

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  • Riding area
  • Primary Activity
    Mountain Bike
  • Other Activities
    • E-Bike
  • Difficulty rating
  • Route Type
  • eBike Allowed
  • Bike type
    AM, XC
  • Direction
    One Direction
  • Physical rating
More Stats for Territori XL mountain bike route
  • Avg time
    7 hr 37 min
  • Altitude min
    1,325 ft
  • Altitude start
    1,520 ft
  • Altitude end
    1,499 ft
  • Grade max
  • Grade min
  • Distance climb
    25 miles
  • Distance down
    19 miles
  • Distance flat
    2 miles


  1. Walk west on Tendrui.
  2. Continue for 800 meters.
  3. Keep left to take Pujada al Caragol.
  4. Continue for 1 kilometer.
  5. Turn right to stay on Pujada al Caragol.
  6. Continue for 2.5 kilometers.
  7. Turn left to stay on Pujada al Caragol.
  8. Continue for 700 meters.
  9. Keep right to stay on Pujada al Caragol.
  10. Continue for 300 meters.
  11. Make a sharp right onto Pre-Serengueti.
  12. Continue for 50 meters.
  13. Keep left to take Escolopendra.
  14. Continue for 2 kilometers.
  15. Walk north on Belep - Irlassos.
  16. Continue for 200 meters.
  17. Turn right to stay on Belep - Irlassos.
  18. Continue for 1.5 kilometers.
  19. Turn right onto Irlassos Creek.
  20. Continue for 700 meters.
  21. Turn left onto Dragon Khan Pallarés.
  22. Continue for 1.5 kilometers.
  23. Make a sharp right onto Accés a Pujada de la Muerte.
  24. Continue for 200 meters.
  25. Turn right to stay on Accés a Pujada de la Muerte.
  26. Continue for 1.5 kilometers.
  27. Make a sharp left onto Pista Afganistrail - Serengueti.
  28. Continue for 20 meters.
  29. Keep right to stay on Pista Afganistrail - Serengueti.
  30. Continue for 30 meters.
  31. Keep left to stay on Pista Afganistrail - Serengueti.
  32. Continue for 30 meters.
  33. Keep left to stay on Pista Afganistrail - Serengueti.
  34. Continue for 30 meters.
  35. Keep left to stay on Pista Afganistrail - Serengueti.
  36. Continue for 30 meters.
  37. Keep left to stay on Pista Afganistrail - Serengueti.
  38. Continue for 30 meters.
  39. Keep left to stay on Pista Afganistrail - Serengueti.
  40. Continue for 30 meters.
  41. Keep left to stay on Pista Afganistrail - Serengueti.
  42. Continue for 20 meters.
  43. Keep straight to stay on Pista Afganistrail - Serengueti.
  44. Continue for less than 10 meters.
  45. Turn left onto Serengueti.
  46. Continue for 1.5 kilometers.
  47. Keep left to stay on Serengueti.
  48. Continue for 1.5 kilometers.
  49. Turn right onto Pujada a St Adrià.
  50. Continue for 100 meters.
  51. Keep straight to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  52. Continue for 40 meters.
  53. Keep left to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  54. Continue for 30 meters.
  55. Keep right to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  56. Continue for 30 meters.
  57. Keep right to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  58. Continue for 30 meters.
  59. Keep right to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  60. Continue for 20 meters.
  61. Keep right to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  62. Continue for 10 meters.
  63. Keep straight to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  64. Continue for 10 meters.
  65. Keep straight to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  66. Continue for 30 meters.
  67. Keep straight to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  68. Continue for 10 meters.
  69. Keep straight to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  70. Continue for 10 meters.
  71. Keep right to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  72. Continue for 20 meters.
  73. Keep left to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  74. Continue for 20 meters.
  75. Keep straight to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  76. Continue for 20 meters.
  77. Keep right to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  78. Continue for 10 meters.
  79. Keep right to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  80. Continue for 20 meters.
  81. Keep right to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  82. Continue for 20 meters.
  83. Keep right to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  84. Continue for 30 meters.
  85. Keep right to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  86. Continue for 30 meters.
  87. Keep right to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  88. Continue for 30 meters.
  89. Keep left to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  90. Continue for 10 meters.
  91. Keep left to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  92. Continue for 40 meters.
  93. Keep straight to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  94. Continue for 20 meters.
  95. Keep left to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  96. Continue for 30 meters.
  97. Keep left to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  98. Continue for 40 meters.
  99. Keep right to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  100. Continue for 10 meters.
  101. Keep right to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  102. Continue for 10 meters.
  103. Keep straight to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  104. Continue for 10 meters.
  105. Keep straight to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  106. Continue for 20 meters.
  107. Keep straight to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  108. Continue for 10 meters.
  109. Keep right to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  110. Continue for less than 10 meters.
  111. Keep left to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  112. Continue for less than 10 meters.
  113. Make a right U-turn to stay on Pujada a St Adrià.
  114. Continue for less than 10 meters.
  115. Turn left onto Pista Afganistrail - Serengueti.
  116. Continue for 1 kilometer.
  117. Turn right onto Esquerdes trail.
  118. Continue for 500 meters.
  119. Walk south on Afganistrail.
  120. Continue for 900 meters.
  121. Walk southeast on Tobogans.
  122. Continue for 300 meters.
  123. Walk east on Enllaç White Line.
  124. Continue for 2.5 kilometers.
  125. Walk east on Cami dels Cavalls.
  126. Continue for 900 meters.
  127. Turn left onto Pujada al Caragol.
  128. Continue for 400 meters.
  129. Turn right to stay on Pujada al Caragol.
  130. Continue for 100 meters.
  131. Turn right onto Sabarissos Connection.
  132. Continue for 1 kilometer.
  133. Keep right to stay on Sabarissos Connection.
  134. Continue for 200 meters.
  135. Turn right onto Talarn pels Horts.
  136. Continue for 900 meters.
  137. Bear left onto Font de Caps.
  138. Continue for 200 meters.
  139. Turn right onto Cami de Sallent.
  140. Continue for 200 meters.
  141. Turn left onto Z.Z. 2.0.
  142. Continue for 100 meters.
  143. Bear left onto ZZ Top.
  144. Continue for 400 meters.
  145. Bear left onto Z.Z. 2.0.
  146. Continue for 20 meters.
  147. Turn right onto Sortida del Sílex.
  148. Continue for 80 meters.
  149. Make a right U-turn to stay on Sortida del Sílex.
  150. Continue for 80 meters.
  151. Turn left onto Z.Z. 2.0.
  152. Continue for 20 meters.
  153. Keep left to stay on Z.Z. 2.0.
  154. Continue for 100 meters.
  155. Walk northwest on Pujada a Sta Engracia.
  156. Continue for 6 kilometers.
  157. Make a sharp right onto Roques Pelades.
  158. Continue for 1.5 kilometers.
  159. Turn right to stay on Roques Pelades.
  160. Continue for 1.5 kilometers.
  161. Turn left onto Escorpins.
  162. Continue for 2 kilometers.
  163. Bear left onto Guillot.
  164. Continue for 500 meters.
  165. Walk east on Guillot.
  166. Continue for 100 meters.
  167. Turn left onto Pilones.
  168. Continue for less than 10 meters.
  169. Make a right U-turn to stay on Pilones.
  170. Continue for less than 10 meters.
  171. Turn right onto Guillot.
  172. Continue for 100 meters.
Avg: 4 (4 votes)
Trail Conditions
  • Unknown
  • Snow Groomed
  • Snow Packed
  • Snow Covered
  • Snow Cover Partial
  • Freeze/thaw Cycle
  • Icy
  • Prevalent Mud
  • Wet
  • Variable
  • Ideal
  • Dry
  • Very Dry
Trail Flow (Ridden Direction)
Trailforks scans users ridelogs to determine the most popular direction each trail is ridden. A good flowing trail network will have most trails flowing in a single direction according to their intension.
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
  • > 96%
  • > 90%
  • > 80%
  • > 70%
  • > 50%
  • < 50%
  • bi-directional trail
  • no data
Trail Last Ridden
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine the last time a trail was ridden.
  • < 2 days
  • < 1 week
  • < 2 weeks
  • < 1 month
  • < 6 months
  • > 6 months
Trail Ridden Direction
The intended direction a trail should be ridden.
  • Downhill Only
  • Downhill Primary
  • Both Directions
  • Uphill Primary
  • Uphill Only
  • One Direction
Contribute Details
Colors indicate trail is missing specified detail.
  • Description
  • Photos
  • Description & Photos
  • Videos
Trail Popularity ?
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine which trails are ridden the most in the last 9 months. Trails are compared with nearby trails in the same city region with a possible 25 colour shades. Think of this as a heatmap, more rides = more kinetic energy = warmer colors.
  • most popular
  • popular
  • less popular
  • not popular
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US Cell Coverage
cell carrier legend

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x Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public ridelogs from the past 6 months.
  • mountain biking recent
  • mountain biking (>6 month)
  • hiking (1 year)
  • moto (1 year)
Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public skilogs from the past 12 months.
  • Downhill Ski
  • Backcountry Ski
  • Nordic Ski
  • Snowmobile
Winter Trails
Warning A routing network for winter maps does not exist. Selecting trails using the winter trails layer has been disabled.
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Trails are colored based on popularity. The more popular a trail is, the more red. Less popular trails trend towards green.
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Trail transparency
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