Supporters, Builders, Maintainers & Land Managers of Bad Motor Scooter Trail
justin fernandes
since 2018Builder
Bad Motor Scooter Details
- Mountain Bike
- E-Bike
Riding AreaPost Canyon
Hood River, Oregon -
Difficulty Rating
Voted DifficultyBlack Diamond (6 votes)
Trail TypeSingletrack
Bike TypeDH, AM, XC, DJ
DirectionDownhill OnlyPopular direction shown
Physical RatingModerate
SeasonSpring-Summer-Early Fall
Dogs AllowedYes
eBike AllowedYes up to Class 1
TTFs on TrailBerm, Bridge, Drop, Jump, Gap Jump, Roller Coaster
Global Ranking
Local Popularity90 in Mountain Biking [+]
- 95 in E-Biking
Land Owner
Trail starts in a more open area that tends to dry out sooner than the lower 3/4 of the trail that holds moisture longer than most trails in Post Canyon. Lots of berms and medium sized table top jumps from top to bottom. There are several doubles throughout the trail with ride-arounds and a small root drop.
Trail History:
Built by Sam Pinner and Mike Estes in 2010-11 for its opening on Earth Day 2011. It was intended to get bikers off Riorden Hill Road who where upset with the changes made to 8-track. (8-track originally went straight down and had many TTF's that were built by the pioneers of free riding in Post Canyon before Hood River County took management of the trails) DH/FR bikers didn't want to do extra pedaling after 8-track was re-routed. To prevent a collision with a car, Sam and Mike quickly flagged this line and built 90% of it by hand. Jason Wells of IMBA arrived one day and connected the lower trail to the last creek crossing with his expertise. Matt Klee (RIP) would attend work parties and helped us organize the Hood River Area Trail Stewards. Our sincerest joy is seeing people discover this trails undulations, the flow, the berms, its heart and soul that was put forth to this particular trail should make Post Canyon very memorable from top to bottom. We saw a need to get bikers off the road.
Justin Fernandes became the trail adopter in 2018. Since 2020, HRATS has funded about two weeks machine time on the trail. After a couple re-routes and two seasons of machine dirt moving iterations BMS has has change significantly. Enjoy
Access Info
[L=]Bad Motor Scooter[/L] starts across the road from the end of Extended Play and goes immediately left and descends to Grand Prix, which leads you to Family Man/Kleeway entrance.
Local Trail Association
Please consider joining or donating to the local trail association to supportdonate to earn trail karma!
trail development & maintenance.
Traditionally Indigenous Territory
More Stats for Bad Motor Scooter mountain bike trail trail
Altitude change-223 ft
Altitude min1,730 ft
Altitude max1,967 ft
Altitude start1,953 ft
Altitude end1,729 ft
Grade max-42%
Grade min14.3%
Distance climb548 ft
Distance down1,824 ft
Distance flat433 ft
Avg time00:03:27
Avg reverse time00:14:25
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- Prevalent Mud
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- Very Dry
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Recent Ridelog Activity on Trail
- 0 rides
- 152 rides
- 13 miles avg distance
- 2,742 rides
- Last: Oct 27, 2024
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