Bondeupproret 1 Details
Leden bjuder på sköna utförslöpor, några tekniska hinder, tung men tekniskt sett enkel klättring och stökiga passager som lutar åt olika håll. En bra helhet med andra ord. Leden börjar uppe ovanför Dackestupets slalombacke, där du också hittar rastplatser, parkering, teknikhinder att träna på, mm.
Lederna underhålls av Hjortens Cross Country med stöd av Hultsfreds kommun.
Upphittad på och Strava.
Access Info
Observera att det läggs snö i slalombacken vintertid och att leden då är otillgänglig.
More Stats for Bondeupproret 1 mountain bike trail trail
Altitude change-31 ft
Altitude min431 ft
Altitude max595 ft
Altitude start592 ft
Altitude end561 ft
Grade max-20%
Grade min16.7%
Distance climb1,732 ft
Distance down1,867 ft
Distance flat446 ft
Avg time00:08:20
Avg reverse time00:06:39
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- Unknown
- Snow Groomed
- Snow Packed
- Snow Covered
- Snow Cover Partial
- Freeze/thaw Cycle
- Icy
- Prevalent Mud
- Wet
- Variable
- Ideal
- Dry
- Very Dry
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
- > 96%
- > 90%
- > 80%
- > 70%
- > 50%
- < 50%
- bi-directional trail
- no data
- < 2 days
- < 1 week
- < 2 weeks
- < 1 month
- < 6 months
- > 6 months
- Downhill Only
- Downhill Primary
- Both Directions
- Uphill Primary
- Uphill Only
- One Direction
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- not popular
- mountain biking recent
- mountain biking (>6 month)
- hiking (1 year)
- moto (1 year)
- Downhill Ski
- Backcountry Ski
- Nordic Ski
- Snowmobile
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SaveBondeupproret 1 Trail Reports
Trail reports are used to indicate a trails current condition and inform builders and other riders about any issues on a trail.
Recent Ridelog Activity on Trail
- 0 rides
- 1 rides
- 16 miles avg distance
- 2 rides
- Last: Oct 13, 2024
Routes with this trail
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