- Mountain Bike
- E-Bike
- Hike
- Trail Running
Riding AreaComuna de Bunyola
Bunyola -
Difficulty Rating
Voted DifficultyRed (1 vote)
Trail TypeSingletrack
Bike TypeAM, XC
DirectionDownhill PrimaryPopular direction shown
Climb DifficultyBlack Diamond
Physical RatingHard
Trail VisibilityAlways easy to follow
Dogs AllowedYes
eBike AllowedYes up to Class 1
Global Ranking#17781 in Mountain Biking
Local Popularity85 in Mountain Biking [+]
- 90 in E-Biking
- 75 in Trail Running
- 5 in Hiking
Sendero rápido que implica algunas subidas duras y empinadas al final. El primer tramo es rápido, luego se convierte rápidamente en un estrecho sendero con curvas, rocas y escalones. Cuidado, hay mucha vegetación y las rocas grandes son difíciles de ver.
Predominan troncos caídos tras temporales de invierno, cuidado.
More Stats for Bosque encantado (Coma de s'Aigo) multi-use trail trail
Altitude change-344 ft
Altitude min1,815 ft
Altitude max2,159 ft
Altitude start2,159 ft
Altitude end1,814 ft
Grade max-26.4%
Distance down3,530 ft
Distance flat131 ft
Avg time00:04:32
Avg reverse time00:19:44
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The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
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- 20 rides
- Last: Jan 22, 2025
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