Candy Mountain Details
- Mountain Bike
- E-Bike
- Horse
- Hike
- Trail Running
Difficulty Rating
Voted DifficultyGreen (2 votes)
Hiking SAC ScaleT1 Hiking
Trail TypeSingletrack
Bike TypeAM
DirectionBoth Directions
Climb DifficultyBlue
Physical RatingModerate
Trail VisibilityAlways easy to follow
Dogs AllowedYes
eBike AllowedYes up to Class 1
Global Ranking
Local Popularity95 in Mountain Biking [+]
- 100 in E-Biking
- 100 in Trail Running
- 100 in Hiking
- 5 in Horseback
Land Owner
Often ridden as part of Badger Mountain, parking and restrooms for Candy Mountain is located at its trail head. The trail is mostly gravel until the top-most section where the ground is becomes hard or rocky.
The trail summits Candy Mountain, and has a set of benches, historical information and local sponsor information at the summit.
The trail starts out easy, gaining only 60 feet in the first half mile. It leaves the parking lot on a converted road, crosses a private road twice, and then skirts it again before entering into the preserve proper. Here it wanders past some boulders as it crosses and then follows the ridge top with views to the north. At a half mile the trail transitions to a steady 10% grade to the summit. Just after the first access road crossing is a boulder that marks the maximum elevation of Lake Lewis, the temporary lake created during the Ice Age Flood, see for more information. The rest of the boulders along the trail were removed during construction.
The trail ends at the summit. The five acres of the summit is private land the owners are kindly letting the public use. Please do not disturb their antenna facility. You need to reverse your course to return to the parking lot.
The trail is wide and surfaced with gravel. Please stay on the trail and do not cut the curves. The trail is popular with hikers, trail runners and mountain bikers, but there is ample room to allow passing without leaving the trail.
Flora & Fauna: The wildlife and plants on Candy Mountain are very similar to those found Badger Mountain. Birds you might see include kestrels, nightjars, magpies, chukkars, quail, and horned larks. Other animals are bull snakes, ground squirrels, coyote, lizards, and beetles. Plants include Piper’s Daisy, Balsam Root, Giant and Purple Sage, Rabbit Brush, Winterfat, Yellow Bells (fritillaria), Biscuitroot (lomatia), penstemon, lupine, buckwheats, phlox, and numerous others.
Do not harass wildlife – including rattlesnakes
Leave no trace behind. Please take out what you take in.
No open fires
Watch out for rattlesnakes
All other County Park Rules apply
Stay on graveled trails
Be careful not to damage flora, fauna, or landscape
Respect other trail users
Respect private property
Dogs are allowed on all trails but are to be on leash
Access Info
Candy Mountain Preserve Trailhead is located at 71004 E 669 PR NE, Richland, WA 99352
From I-82, take the Dallas Road Exit northbound, headed toward West Richland. After you go underneath I-182 you’ll see a sign on your right for the Candy Mountain Preserve. Turn left when you see the sign and drive up the private road. You’ll see a sign on your right directing you into the parking lot.
From Richland/West Richland, drive down Keene headed westbound until you reach the Bombing Range Road traffic circle. Take the exit toward the mountain. Proceed up the road until until just prior to I-182 and watch for the Candy Mountain Preserve sign on your left. Turn right when you see the sign and drive up the private road. You’ll see a sign on your right directing you into the parking lot.
Local Trail Association
Please consider joining or donating to the local trail association to supportdonate to earn trail karma!
trail development & maintenance.
Traditionally Indigenous Territory
More Stats for Candy Mountain multi-use trail trail
Altitude change547 ft
Altitude min835 ft
Altitude max1,383 ft
Altitude start835 ft
Altitude end1,381 ft
Grade max-4%
Grade min27.9%
Distance climb2 miles
Distance down105 ft
Distance flat955 ft
Avg time00:16:13
Avg reverse time00:09:36
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- One Direction
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SaveCandy Mountain Trail Reports
Recent Ridelog Activity on Trail
- 0 rides
- 11 rides
- 10 miles avg distance
- 97 rides
- Last: Feb 5, 2025
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