Feel The Love Details
- Mountain Bike
- E-Bike
Riding AreaSmith Creek
West Kelowna, British Columbia -
Difficulty Rating
Voted DifficultyBlue (10 votes)
Trail TypeSingletrack
Bike TypeAM, XC
DirectionDownhill OnlyPopular direction shown
Dogs AllowedYes
eBike AllowedYes up to Class 1
TTFs on TrailBerm, Drop, Jump
Global Ranking#455 in Mountain Biking
Local Popularity100 in Mountain Biking [+]
- 95 in E-Biking
Land OwnerWest Kelowna Trail Crew Society
Feel the love is, by far, the most popular descent trail in the Smith Creek Trail Network. The trail begins at a flat clearing that is approximately 7.4km from the parking lot riding up The Holy Pail Climb trail. The Trail head is well marked and obvious.
The trail is primarily a fast, flowy ride that, for the most part, rides like a Blue Square. There are many blue and black jumps, drops, and other features. All features have the ability to “ride-around”. There are a few steeper sections that would be considered difficult Blue, or Easy Black, but they are short, and not too hard to walk down, or around. The reason for the Black Diamond rating on this trail is due to the presence of Black Diamond rated features on the main ride line.
For those riders that do not feel like climbing all the way to the main trail head, there are several spots on the climb trail that a rider can cut-in early to Feel the Love.
On the descent there are 4 intersections where riders can opt to branch onto other trails. In order from the top down, the intersections are with More Cowbell, Dear Santa Connector, FOMO, and the Smith Creek Jumpline.
Access Info
Smith Creek is an area of West Kelowna with an ever expanding network of all mountain trails. Turn north on Elliot Road in downtown West Kelowna, follow this road out as it meanders up the hillside. Turn right onto Smith Creek Road and travel up to the gravel section continuing on until you reach the "Smith Creek Trails Recreational Site" parking lot on the right-hand side, hard to miss. The Holy Pail climb trail starts at forested end of the parking lot, where the Kiosk is. The climb crosses the main downhill run all the way up so there are many opportunities to head back down. Keep your eyes and ears open for riders coming down
Local Trail Association
Please consider joining or donating to the local trail association to supportdonate to earn trail karma!
trail development & maintenance.
Traditionally Indigenous Territory
More Stats for Feel The Love mountain bike trail trail
Altitude change-1,170 ft
Altitude min2,219 ft
Altitude max3,388 ft
Altitude start3,388 ft
Altitude end2,218 ft
Grade max-43.6%
Grade min9%
Distance climb141 ft
Distance down2 miles
Distance flat407 ft
Avg time00:17:26
Avg reverse time00:32:23
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Recent Ridelog Activity on Trail
- 0 rides
- 128 rides
- 10 miles avg distance
- 1,886 rides
- Last: Oct 26, 2024
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7 Reviews & Comments
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