Henstad Alle sør Details
- Mountain Bike
- Hike
- Trail Running
Riding AreaAskim City Centre
Askim -
Difficulty Rating
Hiking SAC ScaleT1 Hiking
Trail TypePaved Path
Bike TypeAM, XC, RD, Fat, Adaptive MTB, CX, Gravel
DirectionBoth Directions
Climb DifficultyGreen
Physical RatingEasy
Trail VisibilityAlways easy to follow
Family FriendlyYes
Dogs AllowedYes
eBike AllowedYes up to Class 1
Ride in RainYes
Global Ranking#69418 in Mountain Biking
Local Popularity95 in Mountain Biking [+]
- 5 in Trail Running
- 5 in Hiking
Det nedre området er smalere til du kommer mot bakken, pass på at biler kommer ut av innkjørsler som har blinde steder.,da er den bredere, vanlig bredde, hvor det er offisielt sykkel og gang vei.
The lower area is narrower until you get towards the slope, watch out for cars coming out of driveways which have blind spots, then it's wider, regular width, where it's officially Cycle & walkway.
Adaptive Bike Info
More Stats for Henstad Alle sør mountain bike trail trail
Altitude change107 ft
Altitude min457 ft
Altitude max564 ft
Altitude start457 ft
Altitude end564 ft
Grade min18%
Distance climb1 mile
Distance flat699 ft
Avg time00:06:31
Avg reverse time00:07:41
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- Unknown
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The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
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- < 50%
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Recent Ridelog Activity on Trail
- 0 rides
- 1 rides
- 18 miles avg distance
- 14 rides
- Last: Nov 6, 2024
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