- Mountain Bike
- Hike
- Trail Running
Riding AreaObservatory Hill
Charlottesville, Virginia -
Difficulty Rating
Voted DifficultyBlue (2 votes)
Trail TypeSingletrack
Bike TypeDH, AM
DirectionDownhill PrimaryPopular direction shown
Dogs AllowedYes
TTFs on TrailRock Garden
Global Ranking
Local Popularity90 in Mountain Biking [+]
- 5 in Trail Running
- 5 in Hiking
Starting from the road near the Observatory, a straight downhill section going left at the early fork. There is a drop as you cross the Upper perimeter trail, then a bit of rocks and roots till you cross the fire road. After the firewood there is a long section of rock gardens if you stick to the right side of the trail, with a smoother section on the left. The trail ends with a a few fast sweeping turns that lead out of the woods and down to the start of the fire road.
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More Stats for O-Hill Long Downhill multi-use trail trail
Altitude change-343 ft
Altitude min509 ft
Altitude max890 ft
Altitude start852 ft
Altitude end509 ft
Grade max-60.139%
Grade min35.239%
Distance climb341 ft
Distance down2,784 ft
Distance flat27 ft
Avg time00:02:57
Avg reverse time00:10:40
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SaveO-Hill Long Downhill Trail Reports
Recent Ridelog Activity on Trail
- 1 rides
- 6 miles avg distance
- 20 rides
- 10 miles avg distance
- 184 rides
- Last: Feb 10, 2025
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