Romsåsen Rundt Details
- Mountain Bike
- E-Bike
- Hike
- Trail Running
Riding AreaRomsåsen
Askim -
Difficulty Rating
Trail TypeMixed
Bike TypeAM, XC, Fat
DirectionBoth DirectionsPopular in reverse
Climb DifficultyGreen
Physical RatingEasy
Family FriendlyYes
Dogs AllowedYes
eBike AllowedYes up to Class 1
Ride in RainYes
Global Ranking#31120 in Mountain Biking
Local Popularity95 in Mountain Biking [+]
- 5 in E-Biking
- 5 in Trail Running
- 100 in Hiking
Starter som en enkel grusvei, starter med mye grønne planter på venstre side, går forbi to hvite parkbenker, fortsetter en stund skal du forbi et skur og en gruve, en kort stund ser du en venstresving etter at du ser en zip line-plattform, går den ganske rett forbi den gamle skytebanen, og svinger til venstre på en stigaffel, hold deg til venstre på bred sti etter den store stiskillet, etter dette får stien noen flere røtter, men jevner ut går ned, og opp, hold deg til høyre, ellers havner du i en innkjørsel, stien blir smal og går inn til et område med mye busker, og kommer opp til et grusområde over tunnelen og går ned til høyre.
Starts off as an easy gravel road, starts off with a lot of green plants on the left, goes past two white park benches, continues for a while you will go past a shed and a mine, a short while you will see a left turn after you see a zip line platform, it goes pretty straight past the old shooting range, and turns to the left on a trailfork,stay to the left on wide trail after the big trail fork, after this it the trail gets some more roots, but smoothens out going down, and up, stay to the right, or you will end up in a driveway, the trail get narrow and goes in to a area with a lot of bushes, and comes up to a gravel area over the tunnel and goes down to the right.
Access Info
Fra Skullerudveien se etter et stort treskilt gå gjennom parkeringen vil du se en port, ri rundt den til høyre.
eller over veien nær tunnelen.
From Kykkelsrudveien look for a big wooden sign go trough the parking you will see a gate, ride around it to the right.
or over the road near the tunnel.
Local Trail Association
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trail development & maintenance.
More Stats for Romsåsen Rundt mountain bike trail trail
Altitude change-25 ft
Altitude min412 ft
Altitude max496 ft
Altitude start436 ft
Altitude end413 ft
Grade max-37.5%
Grade min14.3%
Distance climb1,657 ft
Distance down1,542 ft
Distance flat49 ft
Avg time00:05:53
Avg reverse time00:21:09
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- 4 rides
- Last: Nov 2, 2024
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