Type Trail Association
  • Mountain Bike
  • Hike
  • Trail Running
Stillwater, Oklahoma United States
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The Stillwater Trail Crew was organized in 2015 in an effort to unify all trail maintenance and development in the Stillwater area. Beginning with a new trail system at Lake Carl Blackwell, west of Stillwater, the STC hopes to develop miles of both wilderness and urban multi-use trails around Payne County.

In 2017 the Stillwater Trail Crew became an affiliate of the Oklahoma Earthbike Fellowship!

Riding Areas

nametrailstotal descenthighest trailtotal distance
Lake Carl Blackwell2-332 ft1,037 ft5 miles
Lake McMurtry12-1,593 ft1,031 ft27 miles

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chompey$10 USDJul 21, 2020
HardLuck-13$10 USDMay 20, 2020
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