Type Trail Association, Bike Shop
  • Mountain Bike
  • Hike
  • Trail Running
  • Snowshoe
  • Nordic Ski
Phone (204) 306-4737
1001 Fort Gibraltar Trail
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 0Y6
Associated Group
WpgT WpgT Admin
Avg: 5 (1 votes)
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Dedicated to building a complete network of first-class trails designed for walking, hiking, skateboarding, cycling, wheelchairs throughout Winnipeg.
We are committed to building a beautiful, healthy, modern city with connected paths and trails that take YOU everywhere you want to go.

Riding Areas

nametrailstotal descenthighest trailtotal distance
Assiniboine Park19-33 ft757 ft11 miles
Bourkevale Community Centre5-10 ft756 ft5 miles
Kildonan Park10-35 ft772 ft8 miles
University of Manitoba6-27 ft759 ft3 miles
Winnipeg River Trails17-112 ft758 ft13 miles
Winnipeg Trails Association29-108 ft789 ft42 miles

Past Events

1 Review for Winnipeg Trails Association

  • + 1
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 Winnipeg Trails is doing so much to get people out there enjoying the outdoors in Winnipeg. Check out WinterPeg.org the winter project that promotes Nordic Skiing, Snow shoeing and much more!
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kdgawne$15 CADSep 18, 2023
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