Type Trail Association
Primary Activity Mountain Bike
Burnaby, British Columbia Canada
Avg: 3.1 (10 votes)
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BMBA's goal is to promote the establishment and preservation of a mountain bike trail network on Burnaby Mountain that is innovative, accessible, sustainable, safe and challenging to a wide range of skill levels. We work under the supervision of the City of Burnaby.

Riding Areas

nametrailstotal descenthighest trailtotal distance
Burnaby Mountain / SFU73-7,507 ft1,134 ft33 miles

Past Events

10 Reviews for Burnaby Mountain Biking...

  • + 14
 Disappointing that someone would give a volunteer trail association a negative review. These busy hardworking people spend their precious "spare time" battling bureaucrats so that we can all have places to ride our bikes in a city bursting at the seams with population and economic growth. Yes sometimes despite the best efforts of the trail association sometimes the powers that be would close a trail (yes it's always for BS reasons). But every trail that remains open is a daily win!

There are a LOT of companies that would make millions of moneys if the slopes of Burnaby Mountain was covered in condos. BMBA directors and volunteers don't make anything by keeping the trails open. Enjoy it and show some love.
  • + 3
 AFAIK, BMBA is up against municipal politics prevent the group from doing legitimate trail work like TORCA or NSMBA does. It's sad for a gateway trail network for mtb beginners there isn't any attention paid into the maintenance of this network. Municipal level thinks that trails only need one fix of gravel fill and it's good for 5-10 years. However if you look at all our loved trails on the North Shore, Tricities, and FV; they all need constant maintenance.
So many new mountain bikers love to use Burnaby Mtn as a place to learn to ride because of its level of difficulty, proximity to transit and general easy to get to location. With that it leads to new riders with poor riding technique causing accelerated erosion. Not only that, we have groms on DH bikes shuttling the mountain with Translink; many trails have become more "DH" because of all the erosion leaving large stones and root systems exposed.
I think the municipality doesn't understand the popularity of mountain biking and also how easy Burnaby mountain is to access for new riders. Therefore they don't see the importance in advocacy groups like BMBA and the need to properly conduct trail maintenance.

Just my two bits but I live close to the mountain, have been riding it for years and notice the deterioration of the trails (and the poor trail building) each season.
  • + 1
flag Shawn88YDs (Mar 3, 2024 at 11:01)
 If you don’t think trails are maintained enough then gut a shovel and axe ,pick and use your hands too help.
  • + 1
 Since moving to Burnaby this is now my local mountain. Good mix of trails for my needs, great to see trails are being well maintained.

Suggestion/question: is there a way for people not on Facebook to get updates about trail maintenance and other news?
  • + 0
i get what you're saying, and for the most part totally agree with you.

BUT, just because a group is doing trail work, it doesn't mean they are doing GOOD trail work.

just this weekend (9/30/17) this group did irreversible work on a perfectly good trail. in fact, if the work continues on this trail as it has for the last few trail days, the trail is going to be nothing short of a dirt/board sidewalk. its a shame.
  • + 2
flag bikerbrent BM (Nov 9, 2018 at 12:04)
 vonP, Have you showed up to one of their trail days, or offered assistance? Have you messaged them to see if there is a way of getting input and have a better understanding of the limitations placed on them for trail work?
  • + 1
flag bikerbrent BM (Jun 10, 2019 at 22:30)
 vonP.... and still no reply from you. Are you one of the illegal trail builders that will probably get us all kicked off the mountain? Lol, or did you belong to the group of 8 riders, some on E bike, that rode through the closed trail sign at the top of the trails and ended up right in the middle of all the volunteers eating lunch at the bottom of the trail ,at the trail day June 8th. WOW,some people are ENTITLED. I think you are one of those people. Are you ?
  • + 2
flag vonP (Jul 9, 2019 at 7:58)
 check your in-box. i replied direct to you within a few days back in 11/2018. this isn't the forum for debate.
  • + 2
 It's basically my local spot since moving to Burnaby last year. And I appreciate all the work that's been done on the main trails this year. Thanks BMBA!
  • + 2
 Nice to see work being done on Lower Snake. Hope they block the braid where the trail is supposed to left around the tree.
  • + 1
flag bikerbrent BM (Jun 10, 2019 at 22:36)
 Braids blockers get pulled out and dismantled- They tend to have to build to the "lowest common denominator" some riders spend time purposely damaging the trail improvements and do not want to learn to ride around a corner, so they straight line everything. so much work goes into trying to keep some riders on the trail. It would be best if they just went to a trail that is straight down and stop ruining ones with corners
  • + 1
 They don't do anything I live near SFU and it been the same trails for a long time there's nothing new
  • + 3
flag bikerbrent BM (Jun 10, 2019 at 22:30)
 and what do you do Kai?
  • + 1
 i like going here with my friends
  • + 1
  • + 1
flag goytay (Oct 7, 2014 at 21:13)
  • - 1
 The mountain closes down more trails than it builds in the name of environmental preservation.
  • + 1
flag bikerbrent BM (Jun 10, 2019 at 22:31)
 Frustrating yes, So are you helping? How are assisting the trail network that is there?
  • + 5
flag DIYsandvich (Jun 11, 2019 at 11:22)
 If Pinkbike would let you change the review I would give these guys a higher rating now. I made the review back before I understood the difference between trail associations and land managers. I assumed for the longest time that it was the BMBA's call to close several trails on the mountain like upper snake and Lower lower gear jammer, but then I got to meet one of the organisation's executives a few months back and he opened my eyes. The BMBA is trying their best to make the mountain enjoyable for all, but they struggle with lower amounts of volunteers and less support from the city compared to other ORCA's like the NSMBA. The city doesn't understand the amount of work that MTB trails need compared to hiking trails, and only grant the BMBA 4 days a year to perform trail work. Taking that into consideration, the BMBA is doing an incredible job keeping the trails maintained and enjoyable to ride despite the severe lack of maintenance.
  • + 1
flag bikerbrent BM (Jun 13, 2019 at 18:10)
 Thanks, and you are spot on !
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