Type Trail Association
Primary Activity Mountain Bike
Minneapolis, Minnesota
United States
Associated Group
MORC Minnesota Off-Road Cyclists - Regional Admin Group
Avg: 5 (2 votes)
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Minnesota Off-Road Cyclists (MORC) is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to safeguarding the future of mountain biking in Minnesota through the promotion of responsible riding, establishment and maintenance of mountain biking trails, and preservation of Minnesota's natural resources.

Riding Areas

nametrailstotal descenthighest trailtotal distance
Battle Creek34-1,499 ft993 ft13 miles
Bertram Chain of Lakes18-789 ft985 ft15 miles
Carver Lake Park9-401 ft1,032 ft5 miles
Cottage Grove Bike Park9-93 ft941 ft2 miles
Elm Creek Park14-696 ft922 ft14 miles
Hillside Park7-510 ft1,014 ft6 miles
Lake Rebecca13-1,451 ft1,007 ft23 miles
Lebanon Hills Regional Park22-1,338 ft1,129 ft10 miles
Lone Lake Park5-593 ft1,046 ft12 miles
Minnesota River Trail57-1,597 ft915 ft75 miles
Monarch Singletrack @ Carver Park Reserve43-2,403 ft1,041 ft69 miles
Murphy-Hanrehan Park60-1,419 ft1,046 ft29 miles
Rice Creek Chain Of Lakes Park16-228 ft921 ft14 miles
Salem Hills Park4-303 ft1,015 ft4 miles
Sunfish Lake Park14-458 ft982 ft6 miles
Terrace Oaks4-338 ft1,034 ft2 miles
Wolf Lake6-905 ft1,331 ft7 miles

2 Reviews for Minnesota Off-Road Cyclists

  • + 1
 Been a member of MORC for 3 years now and they’ve done a good job in the MInneapolis/St. Paul metro area. They do have some family friendly trails like Lake Rebecca which have nice scenery but not much for intermediate to advanced riders so rider retention at places like this is an issue as you probably won’t be making the drive out here often with much more fun trails in the area. Battle Creek is the real achievement here in my opinion. A trail which has been adopted and expanded upon which includes a variety of trail for ALL levels of riders and designed in such a way where everyone should be able to ride through the system and avoid sections or features they may want to avoid. Also, black diamonds here may not be true black diamonds ( GOAT is legit) but much better than the other systems so the rating system here seems much better than elsewhere in the area. Lake Rebecca has a reported black diamond section but lets be honest, outside of an endurance test that segment is green. Their other trails have evolved and are also a lot of fun like Elm Creek, Theodore Wirth, Carver Lake, Bertram Chain of Lakes, Hillside (definitely improved), etc. Thanks MORC!!!!
  • + 1
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