Type Trail Association
Primary Activity Mountain Bike
Phone +61414343579
617 Grandchester Mount Mort Rd
Avg: 5 (1 votes)
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QLD's best Mountain Bike Park and Home of the Flight Centre Active Travel Cycle EPIC. Only an hour from Brisbane. $10 trail access fee - Enjoy!

Riding Areas

nametrailstotal descenthighest trailtotal distance
Hidden Vale Adventure Park83-13,140 ft1,626 ft104 miles
Hillview Drive Reserve1-366 ft220 ft4 miles

1 Review for Hidden Vale Adventure...

  • + 1
 These are the best trails I have ever ridden. HVAP is an absolutely fantastic place. Not only do they have world class and I mean world class trails, they also have many other things to keep the family busy while you are out having a time of your life on the well groomed trails. The trails also cater for the family. They have trails that cater from the most elite rider to the absolute beginner. Its mind blowing that the owners do not charge for us to ride on magnificent trails. So a huge THANK YOU to all involved.
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BouwerFrank$15 AUDJul 16, 2020
Troys2401$15 AUDJul 8, 2020
Smifsun$5 AUDJul 7, 2020
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