Type Trail Association
Primary Activity Mountain Bike
1 Denis Ave
Lively, Ontario
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The Walden Mountain Bike Club was formed in the fall of 2008. We are an incorporated, not for profit club that is run by a volunteer Board of Directors. We are affiliated with the Ontario Cycling Association as well as the International Mountain Bike Association. We currently have approximately 500 members.

Our home venue is at the Walden Trails. We maintain the singletrack trail system, and help Walden Cross Country with their ski trails when our help is required. Thousands of volunteer hours have gone into creating a trail system that has something for everyone. Mountain bike riding now has a home in our city.

Riding Areas

nametrailstotal descenthighest trailtotal distance
Walden Trails120-2,541 ft965 ft28 miles

Past Events

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mtbbrat$20 CADAug 3, 2024
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