Type Trail Association, Club
Primary Activity Mountain Bike
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Echuca-Moama Cycling Club is one of Northern Victoria's leading cycling clubs. It promotes road racing, track racing at it's own velodrome and MTB racing on the new Moama 5 Mile Track. It's members range from five year olds to seventy-five year olds and there is a strong emphasis on family participation. The Club places great emphasis on junior development to enable young people to make a start in this great sport.

Riding Areas

nametrailstotal descenthighest trailtotal distance
Little Desert National Park10 ft0 ft0 ft
Lower Glenelg National Park100 ft0 ft0 ft
Moama MTB Park3-220 ft353 ft5 miles
Mount Buffalo National Park48-8,090 ft1 mile49 miles
Murrindindi River Natural Features and Scenic Reserve40 ft0 ft0 ft
Sawmill Settlement3-190 ft3,264 ft4 miles

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