DateSaturday July 14, 2018 at 9:00am CST
past event -
ActivitiesMountain Bike
RegistrationOpen Paid
The Moose Jaw Pavers are excited to announce this upcoming mountain bike skill clinic. If your are new to the sport or and experienced rider this clinic is a great chance to progress your technical mountain bike riding and increase your mtb fun. We are lucky that these coaches are passing through on their way to XC Nationals the following weekend in Canmore. The clinic will be led by professional coach Peter Glassford (smartathlete.ca) and author & coach Molly Hurford (outdooredit.com). Peter has been coaching for over 20 years, is a registered kinisiologist and is an Elite level racer. Molly is a certified coach and writer, having published books on cycling nutrition, saddle sores (and other important issues) and the upcoming ‘SHRED GIRLS’ series for young adults.
Registration is limited to 10 participants. 5 students to 1 coach will provide for great feedback learning.
Schedule for the day:
9 am: 90min at pump track on foundational skills at the bike park in Moose Jaw. Covering foundational skills (pumping, drivetrain initiated movement, drops, and intro to jumping)
11:00 am - drive to Buffalo Pound Provincial Park (note all participants will require a park pass, one day are available at the gate)
- 12 noon - Lunch at lake 12-1pm with Q & A about Cycling Nutrition, Gear choice, Training or 'Saddle, Sore' Concepts from Molly Hurford's Book.
- Lunch at the lake, please bring your own, snacks will be provided
1 pm - 4 pm - On trail skills instruction and group ride at Buffalo Pound Provincial Park.
More details at https://moosejawpavers.ca/2018-mtb-skill-clinic/
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