DateSaturday June 2, 2018 at 9:00am MDTtoSunday June 3, 2018 at 1:00pm
past event -
ActivitiesMountain Bike
RegistrationOpen Paid

Learn to fly. Overcome fears. Empower yourself
Downhill mountain biking offers the same adrenaline rush that lift accessed skiing and snowboarding provide, but all under the fun of summer sun. Don't let melting snow end your season, come learn how satisfying and fun downhill mountain biking can be. If you can ski or snowboard, you CAN ride a downhill bike.
This class is intended for female riders age 16 and up with moderate bike handling skills. Cross country riders looking to enter the gravity realm are welcome as are other sporting types looking for a new outlet for adventure.
Not sure if this class is right for you? Please contact us today with any and all questions.
Requirements for attending class:
- Fullface helmet
- Knee pads {elbow, chest, back and other protection is available and reccomended}
- Five Ten style shoes with Flat pedals
- Bicyle with six inches or more of travel
- Purchase of two day lift tickets OR season pass
Many required equipment items are available to rent, please contact for more information.
- Signup Link
- Download
- Subscribe
- Unknown
- Snow Groomed
- Snow Packed
- Snow Covered
- Snow Cover Partial
- Freeze/thaw Cycle
- Icy
- Prevalent Mud
- Wet
- Variable
- Ideal
- Dry
- Very Dry
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
- > 96%
- > 90%
- > 80%
- > 70%
- > 50%
- < 50%
- bi-directional trail
- no data
- < 2 days
- < 1 week
- < 2 weeks
- < 1 month
- < 6 months
- > 6 months
- Downhill Only
- Downhill Primary
- Both Directions
- Uphill Primary
- Uphill Only
- One Direction
- Description
- Photos
- Description & Photos
- Videos
- most popular
- popular
- less popular
- not popular
- mountain biking recent
- mountain biking (>6 month)
- hiking (1 year)
- moto (1 year)
- Downhill Ski
- Backcountry Ski
- Nordic Ski
- Snowmobile
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