DateSunday September 29, 2019toSunday September 29, 2019
past event -
TypeEnduro Race
ActivitiesMountain Bike
LocationDrumtochty United Kingdom
RegistrationOpen Paid
The stunning Drumtochty Glen contains a 19th century castle and a fairytale church at its centre. Its forests have some of the finest, loamiest trails in the North-East. The unique soil conditions and dense pine forest make for single tracks like nowhere else. This makes it a firm favourite amongst many riders, especially with its easy accessibility from the A90 to Aberdeen and central Scotland.
Race Categories
This year we have 5 main categories with prizes provide by our fantastic sponsors:
Youths 9-15 Cycle Highlands
Junior Men 13-17 CRC
Men 18-39 20 Twenty Bike Clinic
Senior Men 40+ Bennachie Bike Bothy
Women Bike Remedy
Age and Number Limit
Anyone aged 13 or over on the date of the event will be able to take part in the full course of 5 stages. Anyone aged between 9-12 will be able to take part in a shortened course, which will be 4 stages omitting the most technically difficult stage. Youth riders under the age of 13 will be required to ride together in a group, guided by an appointed experienced adult Youth Group Leader, before racing each stage individually (see more below).
We are have a rider limit of 250 participants so sign up soon to not miss out
Each youth rider must have an adult chaperone (and be accompanied to the event by a parent/guardian, even if the latter is not riding).
The Rider Disclaimer must be signed by both the parent/guardian on behalf of the youth, as well as the chaperone.
The chaperone can only look after a maximum of two youth riders.
The chaperone will ride behind the youth participant and be available to take care of any issues with the youth eg bike problems, injuries or withdrawals for any reason.
The entire group (youth riders plus chaperone) will set off one hour before the main group and will ride a shorten course.
The group must ride each stage together (with usual separation between riders), once all have arrived a stage with any other riders waiting will have to give way to let youth group through and wait until they have all completed a stage.
Event village location
The event village will be based close to Drumtochty Castle in the same field the Drumtochty Highland Games is held. This has plenty of parking for cars and vans, coordinates (56.909537, -2.486864). It will be well signed on the day.
Event Timeline
Event usually run from 08:00-16:00 on the Sunday, Registration between 08:00-10:00.
We shall send a detailed event timeline that we will try to stick to closer to the event but due to may factors we might not be able to keep to this.
Special Thanks
Thanks to Drumotchty Castle and Forest and Land Scotland for allow us to host the event on their land.
Photography/Videograph: By entering and by your presence here, you consent to be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded. Your entry constitutes your consent to such photography, filming and/or recording and to any use, in any and all media.
DoonThaBrae Events organisers shall not be held liable in any way for any loss, damage or accidents that may occur during the event. Riders are aware that cycling is potentially dangerous.
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The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
- > 96%
- > 90%
- > 80%
- > 70%
- > 50%
- < 50%
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- < 1 week
- < 2 weeks
- < 1 month
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- > 6 months
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- mountain biking recent
- mountain biking (>6 month)
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- moto (1 year)
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