CLIMB Trail Day: Featuring Glacier 8(Hidden Pond Park)
Trail Day Details:

Hidden Pond Park AKA G8
Group Ride
Sunday July 18, 2021

Hey everyone

We thought for July we could reintroduce you to the other "Glacier" trail… and it's got skinnys!!!

Glacier 8! This trail is perfect for mountain biking. Hidden Pond Park AKA G8 is five minutes off the LIE. Bring your climbing legs and explore another great trail system.

On Sunday July 18th, CLIMB and Suffolk Pro Cycles are hosting a CLIMB Trail Day at
Glacier 8 in Hauppauge.

The trail day will begin at 10AM at Glacier 8 where rides will depart from and return to.
The ride will be led by CLIMBs Trail Ambassadors.

Suffolk Pro Cycles will have a pre-ride check of your bike to assure that it is in working order.
Suffolk Pro Cycles is a proud CLIMB sponsor and has helped make this happen. So since they are giving us some love, let’s give some love back to them. Anybody wearing CLIMB merch will get a sweet deal from Suffolk Pro Cycles when you shop at their store.

But for now to find out more about our sponsor and Glacier 8, click here:

Happy Trails!

Yours Sincerely,

Mike Wottawa , Tom Gernon
Will Bennet


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Trail Conditions
  • Unknown
  • Snow Groomed
  • Snow Packed
  • Snow Covered
  • Snow Cover Partial
  • Freeze/thaw Cycle
  • Icy
  • Prevalent Mud
  • Wet
  • Variable
  • Ideal
  • Dry
  • Very Dry
Directions to glacier-8-blue-main-loop trailhead (40.819510, -73.169620)
1.8 miles
184 ft
-182 ft
Avg time
view trail detail
  • By UbrkifixTF Pro
  • #5384 - 438 views
Audience: region1