244 Details
- Mountain Bike
Riding AreaIseo Enduro Area
Iseo -
Ref Number#244
Difficulty Rating
Trail TypeSingletrack
Bike TypeDH, AM
DirectionDownhill OnlyPopular direction shown
Physical RatingModerate
Trail VisibilityAlways easy to follow
Dogs AllowedYes
TTFs on TrailBerm, Gap Jump
Global Ranking#92378 in Mountain Biking
Local Popularity5 in Mountain Biking
244. Steep, especially at the start. Excellent job by the folks at Iseo Enduro Area of marking the trail with different signs and pink dots on the trees. It is teh only trail in the area on the northwest side of the hill, therefore descen ding directly towards Iseo, as oppossed to the rest that end around Provezze (South). It is therefore darker (not so hot in the summer) and doesn't drain as well as PLT, Jumanji and Oblivion.
Access Info
Simply follow Iseo to the Top or The Madonna del Corno - To the Top trail.
More Stats for 244 mountain bike trail trail
Altitude change-1,486 ft
Altitude min686 ft
Altitude max2,172 ft
Altitude start2,172 ft
Altitude end686 ft
Grade max-103.7%
Grade min34.2%
Distance climb190 ft
Distance down1 mile
Distance flat295 ft
Avg time00:24:24
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- Last: Sep 6, 2023
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