Almbergstien Details
- Mountain Bike
- E-Bike
Riding AreaTørsetmarka
Rindal -
Difficulty Rating
Trail TypeSingletrack
Bike TypeDH, AM
DirectionDownhill OnlyPopular direction shown
Physical RatingModerate
Trail VisibilityAlways easy to follow
Dogs AllowedYes
eBike AllowedYes up to Class 3
TTFs on TrailBerm, Drop, Jump, Rock Garden
Ride in RainYes
Local Popularity5 in Mountain Biking [+]
- 5 in E-Biking
Almergstien (The Almerg trail) was made in May 2021. The trail is made for cycling. The terrain is well utilized and there are a couple of jumps and a large drop. The trail is best to cycle early in the season or late due to grazing animals.
Almergstien ble laget på mai i 2021. Stien er laget for sykling. Terrenget er godt utnyttet og det er et par hopper og et stort dropp. Stien er best å sykle tidlig på sesongen eller sent grunnet beitedyr.
Access Info
The path turns left at the junction about 100 m below Almberget. You will see a wooden gate and an old barn next to the road. The trail ends at Almbergskleiva / Svevøra.
Norwegian: Stien tar til venstre i krysset ca 100 m nedenfor Almberget. Du vil se en tre-port og ei gammel løe ved siden av veien. Stien ender opp ved Almbergskleiva/Svevøra.
More Stats for Almbergstien mountain bike trail trail
Altitude change-435 ft
Altitude min330 ft
Altitude max764 ft
Altitude start764 ft
Altitude end331 ft
Grade max-104.3%
Grade min61.6%
Distance climb295 ft
Distance down2,077 ft
Distance flat161 ft
Avg time00:04:28
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Recent Ridelog Activity on Trail
- 0 rides
- 0 rides
- 4 rides
- Last: Jun 18, 2022
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