Sando Details
- Mountain Bike
Riding AreaKykkelsrud
Askim -
Difficulty Rating
Trail TypeSingletrack
Bike TypeAM, XC
DirectionBoth Directions
Climb DifficultyGreen
Physical RatingEasy
Trail VisibilityAlways easy to follow
Dogs AllowedYes
eBike AllowedYes up to Class 1
Global Ranking#32587 in Mountain Biking
Local Popularity5 in Mountain Biking
Ganske lett sti men kan til tider gro igjen, toppen starter lett med flatt parti og går gjennom lav og tett skog, går over til et ganske åpent område, med noen trær, busker, fortsetter med venstresving og går ned til en gressåker, og deretter nedoverbakke til en 4-veis stikrysss, med en blindvei rett, en sti som går ned til elven til venstre, og en bratt rask sti som er best egnet for å gå ned, til høyre, dette området kan være overvokst, i 2020 var det.
Quite easy trail but can be overgrown at times, the top starts easy with flat section and goes through low and tight forest, transitions to a quite open area, with some trees, bushes, continues with a left turn and goes down to a grass field, and then downhill to a 4 way trailfork, with a dead end trail straight, a trail going down to the river to the left, and a steep fast trail best suited to go down, at the right, this area can be over grown, in 2020 it was.
More Stats for Sando mountain bike trail trail
Altitude change45 ft
Altitude min372 ft
Altitude max436 ft
Altitude start391 ft
Altitude end436 ft
Grade max-5.7%
Grade min17.3%
Distance climb1,476 ft
Distance down509 ft
Distance flat72 ft
Avg time00:06:08
Avg reverse time00:05:46
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- Last: Nov 7, 2022
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