- Hike
- Mountain Bike
- Trail Running
Riding AreaAskim City Centre
Askim -
Difficulty Rating
Hiking SAC ScaleT1 Hiking
Trail TypeRail Trail
Bike TypeAM, XC, RD, Fat, Adaptive MTB, CX, Gravel
DirectionBoth Directions
Physical RatingEasy
Trail VisibilityAlways easy to follow
Family FriendlyYes
Dogs AllowedYes
eBike AllowedYes up to Class 1
Ride in RainYes
Local Popularity100 in Mountain Biking [+]
- 5 in Trail Running
- 5 in Hiking
Fortsatt betraktet som en del av Solbergfosslinna av noen, som det faktisk var før det ble omgjort fra jernbanespor til asfaltert jernbane.
det er ofte egnet for ridning, men det kan til tider være overfylt med folk som går, så unngå i disse tider.
Men grusdelen er mindre brukt.
Bred jernbanesti.
Dette var en del av Solbergfosslinna jernbane.
mest brukte fotgjengere og folk inkludert syklister som kommer fra Solbergfosslinna.
lett tilgjengelig med hvilken som helst sykkel.
den nordlige delen er grus, og har sperringer for å sperre biltilgang.
denne delen har ganske fin og jevn grus.
den sørøstlige delen har store flate gatehelle stien, i midtpartiet der jernbanen lå og mindre til siden.
På grunn av bredden på stien er det ganske trygt å passere folk.
Slå opp detaljer
Still considered as part of Solbergfosslinna by some, which it actually was before it was converted from railway tracks to paved railpath.
it's often suitable for riding, but it could be crouwded with people walking at times, so avoid in those times.
But the gravel section is less used.
Wide rail trail.
This was part of Solbergfosslinna railway.
mostly used pedestrians and people including cyclist coming from Solbergfosslinna.
easily accessible with any bicycle.
the northerly section is gravel, and has barricades to block car access.
this section has quite fine & even gravel.
the south east section has big flat paving stones, in the mid section where the railway was and smaller to the side.
Due to the width of the path it's quite safe to pass people.
Adaptive Bike Info
More Stats for Solbergfosslinna-Askimtorget hike trail trail
Altitude min447 ft
Altitude max447 ft
Altitude start447 ft
Altitude end446 ft
Avg time00:02:16
Avg reverse time00:09:39
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The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
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- 0 rides
- 14 rides
- 6 miles avg distance
- 119 rides
- Last: Sep 8, 2024
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