Type Trail Association
Primary Activity Mountain Bike
Cedar Rapids, Iowa United States
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LAMBA is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization dedicated to creating and maintaining opportunities for sustainable natural surface singletrack mountain biking trails in the Linn County area of Iowa. LAMBA is a chapter of the International Mountain Bike Association.

Riding Areas

nametrailstotal descenthighest trailtotal distance
Beverly Park33-688 ft875 ft8 miles
Boyson Park13-42 ft836 ft4 miles
Mt. Trashmore2-204 ft947 ft2 miles
Sac & Fox Trail City Park11-628 ft774 ft10 miles
Squaw Creek00 ft0 ft0 ft
Wanatee Park6-459 ft882 ft5 miles

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gobig511$25 USDMar 18, 2018
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