Tour de Quiet Corner: Nathan Hale
Group Ride Details:

Quiet Corner NEMBA will hold our annual Fun Ride as a virtual ride and fundraiser through November 15th. The Tour de Quiet Corner will offer planned routes accessible on the Trailforks app in each of our riding locations. To make a donation, give Trail Karma through Trailforks or directly through PayPal here:

Parking is located at 2299 South Street Coventry, CT
Home of the Coventry Farmers Market on Sundays through Oct 25th - drive through or pre-order

Three routes to choose from:
A 6 mile loop suitable for beginners
A 12 mile intermediate level "taste" of Hale
A longer 15 mile loop suitable for Intermediate+ riders

Thank you to our member Matt Danis and our chapter president Serena Dupuis for these routes!

Post Ride Eats:
Bidwell Tavern
Willimantic Brewery

Local Bike Shops:
Pedal Power
Storrs Center Cycle
CFM Cycles

We will offer raffle prizes (gift cards to local restaurants, NEMBA swag, including wool socks, QC shirts and neck gaiters) to anyone who makes a donation and rides all 6 parks.

Please share pix & adventures on our Facebook or Instagram @QCNEMBA

To enter the raffle, send your Trailforks logs to [email protected] by Nov 15.

Take a ride to northeast CT and see what we have to offer. We appreciate your support!


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  • Hale Beginner Loop

    6.2 miles
    361 ft
    -365 ft
    628 ft
    High Point

    Hale Intermediate Loop

    11.7 miles
    1,090 ft
    -1,082 ft
    656 ft
    High Point

    Hale Intermediate+

    15.1 miles
    1,604 ft
    -1,596 ft
    655 ft
    High Point
Audience: local