• Closed / Red
  • Very Dry - watch those marbles, dusty
PipelineCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
Meyers LoopCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
Ollason TrailCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
Whale TrailCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
AirplaneCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
Terminal VelocityCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
Harper CanyonCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
RailCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
Park TrailCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
Harper Canyon RoadCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
Pipeline ConnectorCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
68 ConnectorCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
Lower LowerCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
BessieCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
Gilson Gap TrailCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
Toyon Ridge TrailCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
Don Byrd Go AroundCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
Simas PeakCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
Cougar Ridge TrailCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.
High LineCurrently Closed due to the River Fire.