Cracker Pants Details
- Mountain Bike
- E-Bike
- Hike
- Trail Running
Riding AreaSyringa Trail System
Sandpoint, Idaho -
Difficulty Rating
Hiking SAC ScaleT1 Hiking
Trail TypeMachine Groomed
Bike TypeAM, XC
DirectionDownhill PrimaryPopular direction shown
Climb DifficultyBlue
Physical RatingModerate
Trail VisibilityAlways easy to follow
Dogs AllowedYes
eBike AllowedYes up to Class 1
TTFs on TrailBerm
Local Popularity100 in Mountain Biking [+]
- 90 in E-Biking
- 85 in Trail Running
- 60 in Hiking
Land OwnerKaniksu and Trust
Cracker Pants is VTT's newest trail, is a two-directional, but primarily downhill flow trail with some nice rock jumps at the top, grippy berms, and deep, brown pow, running from the highest point of Momentum to the lowest point of Momentum, just above the top of the Green Heart climb.
This trail offers beginner to intermediate riders a quick loop when combined with a short climb on Momentum back to the top of VTT, with some downhill flow not requiring a full descent to the bottom of VTT. In other words, start at the Pine Street Woods parking lot and you now have a fun flowy trail to session near the top of the property. It's also a fun addition to a full descent of VTT; if you descent Cracker Pants, then take a right on Momentum, you can drop into Zen Garden for a fun lap starting with big flowy berms and finishing on the rock slabs of Zen.
Local Trail Association
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trail development & maintenance.
More Stats for Cracker Pants mountain bike trail trail
Altitude change-115 ft
Altitude min2,487 ft
Altitude max2,602 ft
Altitude start2,602 ft
Altitude end2,487 ft
Grade max-20.8%
Grade min-0.4%
Distance down1,398 ft
Distance flat341 ft
Avg time00:02:35
Avg reverse time00:04:51
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- Unknown
- Snow Groomed
- Snow Packed
- Snow Covered
- Snow Cover Partial
- Freeze/thaw Cycle
- Icy
- Prevalent Mud
- Wet
- Variable
- Ideal
- Dry
- Very Dry
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
- > 96%
- > 90%
- > 80%
- > 70%
- > 50%
- < 50%
- bi-directional trail
- no data
- < 2 days
- < 1 week
- < 2 weeks
- < 1 month
- < 6 months
- > 6 months
- Downhill Only
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- Both Directions
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- One Direction
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- mountain biking (>6 month)
- hiking (1 year)
- moto (1 year)
- Downhill Ski
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SaveCracker Pants Trail Reports
Recent Ridelog Activity on Trail
- 1 rides
- 6 miles avg distance
- 101 rides
- 8 miles avg distance
- 371 rides
- Last: Feb 15, 2025
Routes with this trail
4 Reviews & Comments
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POP & contributors
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