Type Trail Association, Club
Primary Activity Mountain Bike
50 Queen Street
Palmerston North
New Zealand
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The Manawatu Mountain Bike Club (MMBC) was founded in 1988 to meet the variety of mountain biking needs of members of the community. Since that time, the number of mountain bikers in the region has increased dramatically and the MMBC has become an important organisation for co-ordinating the increasing sporting, recreational and advocacy needs of local mountain bikers. Rides cater for recreational riders as well as fit and skilled riders with an emphasis on fun with the exhilaration and enjoyment that is obtained when biking in the great outdoors.

Riding Areas

nametrailstotal descenthighest trailtotal distance
Arapuke Forest45-9,473 ft1,457 ft28 miles
Foxton Beach Mountain Bike Trail2-85 ft39 ft4 miles
Paneiri Park7-90 ft112 ft3 miles
Raumai Forest4-114 ft74 ft5 miles
Santoft Trails24-412 ft224 ft37 miles
Te Apiti5-7,039 ft3,869 ft42 miles

Past Events

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cPY69c$15 USDApr 14, 2023
miktown$15 USDJul 1, 2020
DaveGiles$5 USDFeb 19, 2020
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