Type Trail Association
Primary Activity Mountain Bike
1767 12th St. PO Box 155
Hood River, Oregon
United States
Associated Group
44Trails 44Trails Association - Admin Group
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The 44 Trails Association (44Trails) is actively involved in the planning, building, maintenance and stewardship of the trails accessible from the FS44 road in Wasco and Hood River Counties and the surrounding Columbia River Gorge area. 44Trails is a non-profit 501(c)3 community service corporation, staffed entirely by volunteers and financed by fund-raising events and donations.

Our mission is to retain access to and maintain existing non-motorized, multi-use trails in this rural area as well as actively encouraging new trail development on both public and private lands. 44Trails members work closely with Federal, State and local government agencies as well as numerous other volunteer organizations such as the Backcountry Horsemen of Oregon, Columbia Area Mountain Bike Advocates (CAMBA), Northwest Trails Alliance (NWTA), Central Oregon Trails Association (COTA) and Hood River Area Trail Stewards (HRATS).

Recreational trails provide for a significant part of the outdoor activities available in Oregon, especially as individuals recognize the value to their own physical and emotional well-being. The 44Trails Association dedicates itself to this cause and welcomes new members and benefactors.

Riding Areas

nametrailstotal descenthighest trailtotal distance
44 Trails48-30,599 ft1 mile149 miles

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